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Oil change interval


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18 hours ago, Head said:

And I could also say if you can't afford to change your oil every 1000ks you should not have bought a performance car.

Ridiculous statements, both of them!



Life is not black and white, oil doesn't instantly go off as soon as it ticks over a set amount of use.  I'm sure we all agree on that, so you need to draw the line somewhere, decide on a sensible amount and stick to it.  Not hard.  Mine comes out smelly and completely black (as said, the oil trapping contaminants) at 7,500km so that seems like the minimum I'd want to wait.  When I've taken it down a 1000m top speed run on an airstrip I change it out in the couple of weeks before if it's got more than a couple thousand under the belt.


My engine has done 316,000km on the same set of pistons.  2/3 of that is pushing 50% more power than factory and copping a flogging every single time I drive it (after warming up).  I love to drive it hard.  Would it still be running today if I waited 15,000km between changes?  Maybe, they are strong engines and I've seen horror pics of Barras that have gone more than 50,000 without an oil change (think it was a territory and maybe even close to 100,000km)...but I prefer to lower the risk of the inconvenience and new engine cost, let alone the danger of having it let go mid corner, for the sake of a few hundred bucks a year in oil savings.

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Well I'm no genius but I have done 300k in mine with oil changes every 10-12k, and have always only ever used elf excellium 5/30w fully synthetic in the 9 years I've owned mine. Oil comes out clean as a whistle, it's almost a shame to throw it away! There's a lot of factors to think about with regard to oil changes,a higher stressed motor that gets a fair amount of working out, or any engine that does lots of short trips will benefit from one sooner than say a car doing high mileage and not being pushed too hard. It's really down to vehicle use and oil quality used. Some people just buy any old oil cause it's cheap, but I can assure you no 2 oils are the same. End of the day it's one of them discussions that's never ending, but essentially if you value your motor you will probably have some concept of how to look after a car-so naturally if you been doing lots of drag runs as opposed to cruising from Sydney to Darwin your oil will likely want changing sooner rather than later. No substitute for good oil, especially in modern engines.

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I would if the link worked. As I said before it's one of them discussions that will just go round in circles for ever-everyone has different opinions and what one guy thinks is right there will be a dozen who disagree for a number of reasons. The one thing I do know, is that what I been doing has worked fine for me, and as far as I'm concerned that's all that matters, same as if someone else has been getting it changed every 3000km (for arguments sake)....if what you do works for ya then why change?

And yep I'm mongoloid as well as dyslexic

I'm dyslexic and cannot turn off simple functions in tapatalk

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I'm just commenting cos why not. 


I swap every 5k in my turbo cars, every 7k in my na cars that get hammered and a bit longer in my gently driven cars.


This varies a little. It can usually go a bit longer


Maybe I'm imagining things but I can hear and feel when my oil is rooted close to the km mentioned so I swap it.

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Should hear it in my Prado after 5000. It's like flicking a switch. It's gets bloody noisy and the power drops off. New oil and filter and she's golden again. 

Even changing oil brands I notice it heaps in the Prado. I might go back to penrite. 

I'm yet to notice in the falcon as I've not let it get that far yet. 

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