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Logged in as someone else?

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Got a better one for you @k31th 

I log out on every session now to prevent this but it seems as though I'm being logged back in automatically on return. Like I'd never signed out. It's happened a few times now in a row. 

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depending on the URL you go to, it's possible that when you click on the logout button, you're actually logging somebody else out and the login information retained on your device is used to re-auth you as your own session... but that's only a guess.

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  • To Loud
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Today when I logged in, I was Rab. I tried to log out 3 times and it failed.

Each time I opened the webpage it would log me in as RAB again.

Was starting to get frustrating and then I thought, maybe I should post as Rab in here and then it fixed itself....

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  • Cruise Whore
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Not directing this to anyone in particular but guys lets have some decency and logout as soon as you know you've logged in as someone else if you can and definitely don't post PMs as that other person - yeah?

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