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An Unfortunate Tale - Clutch Issues


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Hi guys,


As some of you may have read on another thread I made - "want to buy an F6 advice needed", I ended up purchasing a manual 06 BF MK ii last week, and its been great, all the way until today that is...

I noticed last night that the clutch felt softer than what it should, and that there was clutch drag I.e. the release point was much lower to the floor than it should be. On the way home from work today I basically couldn't even get the car into gear. I pulled over, opened the bonnet and noticed my brake fluid had run completely dry and that it was leaking very slowly from under the driver side. I walked to Jaxx, who'm I knew didnt even deal with this kind of issue, but the boys were kind enough to jack her up. Turns out the master slave cylinder had gone (according to them) and needs replacing ASAP. They sorted me out with a booking first thing in the morning at Bridgestone.

I also learnt that the cylinder is internal and that the entire gearbox has to be pulled out to replace the part, setting me back nothing less than $900 - mostly due to labour costs. Now, the reason for this thread is to ask some of the fella's here with more experience with these cars if this is something that potentially was known to the seller. I mean, I got along with the guy real well, I went to his home and met his family, and he didnt seem to have any reason to screw me over. But, that being said, how unlucky must I be to have something like this happen a mere week after buying the vehicle? Come to think of it, I have on 3 different occasions struggled to get the car in gear - even on the day I test drove it, but I thought nothing of it because the clutch felt fine, or at least what I thought was fine - like a racing clutch - real stiff (or could this potentially be due to rust?) I dont even know. I just know that I cant help but feel done in, and that I dont even know if I can trust anything on the car now - are the low km's even real? (72k), what else is going to go wrong etc...


I guess I will never know, but I might be a bit more clued up after the work is done tomorrow. Sorry for the semi rant guys, I just dont really know what to do or if I should call the seller to politely ask that he fit half the bill? Once again, any advice appreciated greatly.  

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The joys of buying used eh? 


I think you said that that he never really drove it. 

If that's the case the seals may have deteriorated over time and now they're being used they've sh*t themselves. 


Don't stress too much. Just get that slave cylinder rebuilt or buy new. When you get it back change all the fluids if you haven't already. I mean everything. Oil coolant brake fluid diff. Gearbox should be done when it's removed along with the clutch. 


To be be quite honest it isn't a $900 job. It's a case or 2 and a couple mates and a day tops to get it out. If you arrange with a brake place they could get you the slave cylinder in and you can complete the job in a few hours. 

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If there was any prior indication there would be oil drops on the floor where you park it,But as Rob has mentioned a vehicle that's rarely driven to regularly driven will develop issues what seems quickly 

it just is what is is buddy 


$900 is bloody up there take it to automasters and pay half that but be super aware that if the CSC has been leaking there's a massive chance it's contaminated the clutch plates and then the whole clutch is bin fodder, so brace yourself for a full clutch kit ( $2000 ) give or take just for parts 


also note there's a slave cylinder on the clutch pedal itself in the cabin and can and do leak so make sure it's not leaking there first as that will be a cheaper fix !

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Ah mate, I was actually just telling my brother how I dont think Im ever buying used again, even if that means having to drive a pos cheap little 1.4l hatchback lol. 


Yeah, He hasnt driven it much for the past 3 or 4 years - few thousand km's. My old man was saying the same thing as you - that seals must have gone. As much as what I would love to take this job on myself, I dont think I'm going to have the time, or knowledge in this case. I mean I've fitted intakes and intercoolers myself, but I havent removed and refitted a gearbox before. I need the car fixed ASAP so that I can get to work and back, and I dont think I'll have the time to attempt a job like this this weekend.


I guess I've already swallowed the $900 pill at this point. I just hope I dont get more surprises like this, because I wont really want to fund it. Thanks for the advice Rob.

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@Jet Thanks for the reply mate. The car definitely wasn't leaking anything before hand so I guess I'm just unlucky. 


Oh man, that would seriously kill me if the whole clutch needs replacing! I really hope this is not the case. Thank you, I will check the slave cylinder if its been leaking from the pedal.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Don't pay 900. That's day light robbery. Full billet csc is under 200 and if a full equip shop can't have that box out and back in within 2hrs they shouldn't be working on it. 

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Does anyone know if insurance covers this kind of thing? I actually have the clutch insured for $1200 or something, only thing is that my policy has only been going for 8 days so not sure how this would go down.

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That's sucks mate.


I can only really reiterate what has been said. 


Ring around and find someone that will do it for a reasonable price. 


Call your insurer but I know mine wants the whole year paid before they come to the party. A year up front plus excess could be a grand anyway. Then there's the whole no claim bizzo. You really gotta just call them. 


Mine will pay for damage though even if I roll it when off road 4x4ing.


Good luck man, you should find someone that charges reasonably though.


Let us know how you get on. 

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