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warranty work and turbo side intake


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Firstly sorry for the long post


Purchased a turbo side intake and battery relocation kit and tomorrow is my first free Saturday without the wife and kids to bug me in months so its the perfect time to install it but I'm a bit worried it will void the warranty and here is why and if anything has had similar problem to the below or know what the cause might be any ideas would be great.


Ive had the car for a bit over 2 months and had some things fixed under warranty by Ford that were identified by NRMA pre purchase inspection. which were

- leaking oil from the timing cover

- leaking exhaust manifold while cold, once warm it was fine

- oil marks on diff


They fixed all those and while ford was looking at it they identified that the drive shaft coupling and diff bushes needed replacing so they were replaced under warranty but over the following days/weeks I started to notice that on some roads I would feel a vibration above 60km/h through the seat and floor its hard to describe exactly what it felt like but kinda like either there was something stuck in tyre or something was wobbling. I don't feel it through the steering wheel and can be felt in drive and while rolling in neutral.


It has slowly gotten worse to the point where on certain roads it feels like I'm driving over a bed of pebbles so I went to a beaurepaires to get them to look at it


- On the first visit they noted that the tyres were crappy cheap Chinese tyres put on by the dealership and could be the source of the vibration and that they also didn't bother getting the tyres balanced, and that the front left rim had been repaired (ex highway patrol car) I got the tyres balanced to see if it would improve it and it didnt

- on the second visit I got them to swap out the repaired rim with the spare full size rim in the boot hoping that the repaired rim might be the cause, but the problem still persisted

- the next day I booked in and got a full set of Michelin Pilot sport 3, $820 later I was hoping problem would be resolved, sadly it wasn't.


I now have it booked back in with Ford to get it checked out in 3 weeks, but now not sure if I should hold off on installing the turbo side intake knowing it might be quite some time until I get another chance to install it

Edited by azzah
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I think you may need a tune after installing turboside???


Personally, I'd be getting the car sorted before playing with it.


One of the recommended shops on here should be able to find issues

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2 minutes ago, Rab said:

need a tune after installing turboside

Nah, definitely don't, if all you're doing is freeing up the air intake.

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1 minute ago, Rab said:

I think you may need a tune after installing turboside???



still on stock/factory tune so should be fine


2 minutes ago, Rab said:

One of the recommended shops on here should be able to find issues


already spent $800 of money I didn't really have to begin with, if I dont get anywhere with ford I will take it elsewhere

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Id say they stuffed up the rear end bushes / re install of the cradle and what your feeling is either a driveshaft or tail shaft balance issue. Ford even fine balance the tail shaft on the car.

Leave the car as stock as possible, if something else is broken, they could blame the extra killawasps from the intake as the cause. Some dealers will sue any excuse to get out of a warranty claim.

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5 minutes ago, Ale said:

Id say they stuffed up the rear end bushes / re install of the cradle and what your feeling is either a driveshaft or tail shaft balance issue. Ford even fine balance the tail shaft on the car.


hopefully that's all it is, its strange the smoother the road the more I seem to feel it

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10 minutes ago, Ale said:

Leave the car as stock as possible, if something else is broken, they could blame the extra killawasps from the intake as the cause. Some dealers will sue any excuse to get out of a warranty claim.


Guess I could spend the day detailing it and buffing out the swirl marks from all the times the cops washed it with a broom

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  • 3 weeks later...
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thank god for warranty, car was booked in yesterday and today to get the tailshaft rebalanced, they ended up doing the following

- both upper control arms have been replaced
- all engine mounts replaced
- tailshaft replaced

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