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Oil/Filter Change


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Hi there, I was wondering what is the best way to change the oil and oil filter, warmed up car? Also where do you dump the excess oil? What sort of a jack would you recommend. Thanks

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  • skids
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yeah you can do it warm, I wait a while - until the oil isnt going to burn your hands. I also wear nitrile gloves, friggen awesome things.


I do it without a jack but I need a slightly longer extension bar to get the sump nut off. oil filter I use a filter wrench to remove and replace by hand. The old oil goes back in old oil containers. Over time you build up a collection of these, annoying when you're doing the first oil change. I've got a few empty containers ready for my next oil change.


if you need a jack, a trolley jack is what I'd use and I wish I had one, I don't have a flat driveway so can't jack cars up...I'm also not a fan of getting under a car that's supported by a jack.


good luck man, it's very satisfying doing work yourself.

Edited by skidxr6t
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Get a piece of 4x2 wood and drive your left tyre onto it. That should give you enough room to get your hand under there to the sump plug. 

Your best bet is to get an oil pan with at least 10L capacity or you'll spill it everywhere. 

If you do it straight after a drive the oil will piss out real fast and likely splash everywhere. I usually hold the pan up to the sump for the first few litres of oil so it doesn't go everywhere. 

Youll need a minimum of 6.5 litres so just grab 7 litres to be safe. 

Johnny has covered the rest. 

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Oil needs to be as warm as possible before dropping the oil. The hotter it is the more viscous it is and the more crap will be suspended in the oil.


I use a vacuum extractor pump. $50ish odd off Ebay. Saves the sump plug threads and reduces the chance of spills and make it easier to decant the waste oil into disposal containers.


Skids, if you're going to run GW talk to Adrian at Liberato. 20ltr drums are the go cost wise.


I also use GW oils either Syn-X 3000 for 10w40 or Euro Energy for 5w30.

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