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  • To Loud
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I <3 Bananas me, I am over it. Seriously Keith this back and forth bickering and being the "Mr know it all" has kept me away from the forum for a while.

I have been on here on an off, but dude stop it please. Do you always have to be right and always have the last say???

No wonder we have less and less members on this forum.


If I get banned for putting my 2c in then so be it. I dread opening any threads for fear that you having to have the last say.

This forum use to be enjoyable, but not so much any more.





Alex, sorry for hijacking your thread and this has nothing to do with you.

welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Good luck with the mods.

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Hi Marco :wavey:


what seems to be the problem? that Luke wanted to have a crack at me in this thread for no particular reason? or are you talking about something else?

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Keefy may well be a bit of a tosser but I don't see what he's done in this thread

He obviously gets under a lot of people's skin and and is generally not all that socially aware but all he did was link a thread with different tuners around the Melbourne area = helpful, old mate might not have wished to travel an hour from Spotswood to Pitlane at Frankston (I did check on google maps to make myself look good :sarcastichand:)


Ralph had a dig and keefy responded as he always does with all the unnecessary reasoning under the sun (could've just said GAGF ralph), which ralph knew full well would happen.


Take it out on the T Marco.







You're still a tosser but keef.

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On 29/09/2016 at 4:57 AM, AlexTT2006 said:

Hi guys


first time here ! I'm a new proud owner of a 2006 TT, great car. I've just moved from Queensland to Melbourne and was hoping I could get a few suggestions where I could get my car serviced. In about a months time after I save my pennies from washing the neighbours cars and mowing their lawn on the weekend haha, I would like to do a basic flash tune. At the moment I can't really afford to have the air intake changed and a custom dyno tune but still really want a little more power. I debunged  the exhaust which gave it a nice note. Any info would be much appreciated , cheers. BTW I'm in spotswood via 3015


   Given you have a done a debung then you can expect around 230awkw with a decent tuner up from about 180. Bigger injectors will net you about 250 but you will then the intercooler will be an issue. Pit Lane is a long way and ratter will struggle as he does not have a 4WD dyno (and has to outsource it which makes it expensive) and you will have to buy an XCal. There is heaps of information on this and results on the other forum:




And if you are interested Dave got this result with water injection:

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