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  • Member For: 17y 5m 8d
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Yeah its always In the back of ya mind when owning jelly rods in a BA. Its a toss up between spending shed loads on mods or build it billet before ya start modding it. But if ya had the $4000 - $5000 for a built motor ya would put it towards a BF2 or FG. Meh.!!

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  • skids
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  • Member For: 12y 2m 9d
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^ hahahahah but you weren't bashing the limiter while doing a fat skid?!?!?! you were just on cruise control....laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!


okay for lemonton who is probably wondering where all these threads that people speak of:


^this ones good and worth a read but gaz goes insane at the end where he decides to sell up, so read from the beginning.




^this thread is a testament to the idea of do it once do it right but the guys a top bloke and we all wana see him enjoying 400rwkw asap.


^someone mentioned something about a BA on this thread, its on the last page.

Edited by johnxr6t
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  • Member For: 9y 11m 2d

Live and ya learn buddy. Just know for next time, stay off the limiter. I use to here young lads on there 4 stroke Crf's and Yzf's that there dads had bought for them revving them to the limiter for ages, they went bang eventually as well. 

She'll be back on the road soon mate.

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Thanks for all the replies fellas, let me read into them all and get back to you all with some more questions. Totally overwhelmed with info hahaha :surrenderwave:


I'm not after more than 280-300rwkw or whatever this will get me.


I've only had a brief read but I'm still thinking along the lines of 


Either all of this or sell the car and hopefully luck out like my patient cousin who got a 2005 330rwkw BA F6 with intercooler, valve springs, dump, cat, flapper mod, surge tank and fuel pump for $13,000. What's the catch?



Edited by lemonton
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