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Xr6t mods finally done!


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Well I said I'd update everyone once the car had been modded/tuned, and the day finally came.


So, just a recap:

The car was at 235rwkw with just a tune and valve springs. 10 pound boost.


Now, the car is sitting at 314rwkw at 14 pounds of boost.


Here is the dyno sheet and list of parts:

The car is a monster, I knew it would be but being flung back into your seat is nice.

The team at Dalton Automotive did a fantastic job and were as helpful as anything. They went through with me everythint they had done, ran it up and achieved a minimum of 310rwkw each time. My turbo was in excellent condition, everything went in and everything happened as planned. Honestly 300rwkw was what I wanted and I got more so I'm stoked. Matt from bpracing was suprised how much it made, as he had suggested a process west setup as opposed to the HDI cooler. Which by the way sits very nicely. I forgot to nab a photo of the dump pipe and high flow while it was up on the hoist. Anyway, enough jibber jabber. Have a squiz.2afgib.jpg







Edited by XRBoost
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10 minutes ago, BAXRTUTE said:

How many km has your car done?

Great results from minimal cost!! Bit jealous lol.


Look after the btr :ok:


Keep in mind that's all Daltons work, but Matt from BPracing provided the software for tuning. That was $700 so all up it was  $5100

Edited by XRBoost
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