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G6E Turbo replacement????


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Glad I could give you all a chuckle. Thought I put an update in. I data logged the car using a cheap UBD11 wifi + iphone app and its not spiking just building alot of boost.  10 psi by 2600, 15psi by 2900 , 22psi by 4200rpm. 


I get it that its much higher boost then stock internals were built for but I trust my tuner and so long as there is no detonation it should be ok yeah? He took out timing and added fuel to ensure it was as safe as possible. I have since read about Tonyv's F6's 25psi boost on stock internals and a few other examples of high boost on stock internals so I'm not longer freaking out like the night you guys all had a good chuckle over the results.


I am however abit worried about summer coming and what adding ambient air temp to the equation will do so I'm going down to chat to the tuner one afternoon this week about my options moving forward.


The turbo supplier hasn't returned either of my two emails. I did call 999automotive in qld/syd who locally supply these turbo's. They were helpful and they have fit them to 3 or so xr6 turbo's and got boost as low as standard with a 5psi spring in the actuator.


This made me do some research on the turbo and understand compressor maps better.



gtx 3GTX3582R_comp1.JPG




Now my T04Z has a 11 blade billet wheel which for what Ive found is not how garrett supply them. I cant find any maps for my exact kind of wheel. But what this shows me is the T04z produces boost at a much lower compressor RPM then the gtx3582r and the GT3576 that was originally on the car.


The t04z at 24psi and 660ish FWHP is spinning at 105,000RPM

The GTX3582R at roughly the same is just over 110,000RPM


If you follow the gtx3582 map down to 105krpm I would be around the 18psi mark. Also if you do the same on the gtx3576 map it is even lower at around 15psi for the same RPM but much lower power obviously.


My current thoughts are that the Mamba exhaust housing are not a good fit for the t04z with a free flowing system (I.e stock system would limit exhuast flow) unless you modify the wastegate and flapper and want a high boost application, how big I cant say yet but 38mm will get you 24 psi.  I would go as far to say they are no good for a gtx3582r with free flow exhaust unless you modified it with a 38mm wastegate port and flapper.


Anyway I'll drop in an update after I get my options thought out and have a plan about next steps.

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  • XR50T
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Good effort mate. Looks like a good little turbo, would be interesting to see how the .7 cover goes in comparison.
Once boost control is sorted it looks to be a killer setup.

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  • MattyP
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I think you got exactly what you needed from 999 


most of these have been installed on low boost setups 


this may seem strange but with a low boost/power scenario that port job would be perfect as the exhaust flow isn't as great at lower levels. 


When you up the boost, you increase exhaust flow. Therefore you need a bigger port for this extra volume to go in that is unless you already have a large port to begin with.


it also becomes a feedback loop in your scenario as well, the port is to small to control boost so more boost goes in, more volume goes out the exhaust and through the turbine meaning you get even more boost. 


Needs more e85 and possibly even a larger port. What was the pre load like on the actuator?

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Mattyp. The tuner tried to 0 out the boost and it just wouldn't stop boosting like crazy. Trust me we were not chasing high boost at all.


The only way I could see this working on a low boost application is with a restrictive exhauast / intake so there are other parts of the entire system restricting boost. Unfortunately I must be the first person with a 4" exhuast and intake to fit one of these turbo's. I believe the exhaust housing is not fit for purpose with this turbo period. I took a gamble using an unknown turbo and housing and now I have the price to pay. The housing is not the same as ford spec housing so if anyone wants to buy Mamba housing I think they need to know this and take it into consideration. You would run the same risk even with a MAMBA GTX3582R if you have free flowing intake and exhaust.


Yep I agree a bigger port is needed and because no-one can guarantee a 40mm is big enough I will probably just go an external wastegate (45-50mm) to be safe. 



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Been doing a heap of research and everytime I think I know something I end up finding more information which tells me I know nothing and tried and tested is the best way unless you have heaps of money to try different combos and are ready for alot dyno time.


Some things I found interesting reads on turbine housing and its impact to power etc.







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This is why paying a workshop for a full drive in drive out solution from products they recommend and know work is money well spent 


being a pioneer doesn't have as much glory attached to it as money spent typically ;) 


that being said you're probably not to far off having it sorted, just a few more coins to go  

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