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G6E Turbo replacement????


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10 minutes ago, MattyP said:

Wait what size turbine housing is on there? 

It's so disappointing to see when sh*t doesn't work out


The exhaust turbine is 1.05 AR which, from what I now understand is one factor to compare against he ford 1.06 AR. However the design of the volute also has a huge effect so the numbers alone are not a good comparison.

Edited by molch
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Stick with it man, you will be rewarded, I lot can be said about guys who take a shot, learn a lot and come out the other end achieving greatness.

Again, I suggest you seriously look at a good quality 40mm external gate over more flapper mods.

We used to mess around with actuators and extra springs on ported internal gates in 2002, until we manned up and worked out internal gates are rarely the optimum solution on high performance applications.

Don't see internals on any formula one cars do ya!! :)

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Up the boost.
Big turbo & Small gate - high boost is one way to bandaid the issue.
Big turbo & big gate - low boost / high boost will have no dramas for boost control

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I am looking at buying a Mamba turbo as well I am considering the one you just got ( well maybe not now)  and their GTX3576R


here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/182261589403?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


is the spool / lag much more noticeable than the stock turbo with the one you have picked?  Do you think the GTX3576R from Mamba will get to 380RWKW on pump 98 as that is all I am after.


Edited by courtjesterau
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Silly question, but at $1300, does it work out that much cheaper than to rebuild ones factory core , and  machining the comp cover to take a billet wheel from one of the suppliers?

At least that way you keep the genuine core and rear wheel/housing. I wouldn't think the bigger 0.7 comp cover makes all that much difference on such small front wheels anyway.


I was quoted less than $800 for a GTX wheel transplant into a genuine perfect condition GT35r that's done sub 5000km on another car of mine (not falcon)

This was by ATS here in Adelaide and I think MTQ where similar.


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6 hours ago, Ale said:

Silly question, but at $1300, does it work out that much cheaper than to rebuild ones factory core , and  machining the comp cover to take a billet wheel from one of the suppliers?

At least that way you keep the genuine core and rear wheel/housing. I wouldn't think the bigger 0.7 comp cover makes all that much difference on such small front wheels anyway.


I was quoted less than $800 for a GTX wheel transplant into a genuine perfect condition GT35r that's done sub 5000km on another car of mine (not falcon)

This was by ATS here in Adelaide and I think MTQ where similar.



for a few hundred more I can get a brand new complete turbo and have the original one as a spare (or sell it) 


I was trying to decide between the 3584 and 3576 but after reading this thread im probably going to go the 76

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On 8/31/2016 at 1:16 PM, courtjesterau said:

I am looking at buying a Mamba turbo as well I am considering the one you just got ( well maybe not now)  and their GTX3576R


here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/182261589403?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


is the spool / lag much more noticeable than the stock turbo with the one you have picked?  Do you think the GTX3576R from Mamba will get to 380RWKW on pump 98 as that is all I am after.



I got some time to drop in and chat with Spiro today @ Autotech today. The guys a legend. He explained the issue with the Mamba exhuast housing that the wastegate hole comes with a 90 degree corner in it. Typical housings would have a nice flowed bend. We agreed we are going to pull it off and get it inspected for another opinion and see if further internal porting can fix the issue.


Would I buy a Mamba 3584R turbo again? Hard to say because I bought it as a drop in replacement to keep costs down etc and its not turning out that way so didn't really meet my initial requirements. Now I'm not saying to turbo compressor or core is bad (Jury is out) but my current learning is the exhaust housing is not ideal. 


For a drop in replacement the GTX3576r will be better I reckon (Budget for new intake pipes because its 4") . However the total power will depend on tuner, dyno, supporting mods and boost levels. This map shows it's doable but would need around 2.5 pressure (22PSI). To reliably get this high boost levels you also might have to port and exhaust housing so you could be in a similiar situation. 







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