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Amd Vega benchmarks are out I'm happy to have gone with Nvidia this time.
I've used a few AMD CPUs over the years but never any AMD GPUs
That must make me an NVIDIA fan boy
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19 minutes ago, bloodycrashboy said:

I've used a few AMD CPUs over the years but never any AMD GPUs
That must make me an NVIDIA fan boyemoji39.png


I've had:

ATI Radeon 9500 Pro (flashed to 9700 Pro - awesome unit) Lasted me a couple of generations of GPU's

Crosssfire 7970's (HUGE, hot, noisy Mofo's - wasn't a good choice as I had the PC in my bedroom at the time - but they were definitely powerful) Replaced with SLI GTX980's


I've used a few other mid-level ones in boxes that weren't my main PC's, but other than those 2 models, I've never found ATI/AMD worth risking.


Not exactly an nVidia or Intel fanboy, just pretty much always seems the correct choice when I happen to be building/upgrading.


Last AMD CPU I purposefully went for was (I think) an Athalon XP 1800 (Mid 90's?)

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Heartily recommend this indie game lads, if you liked Descent back in the day, enjoy space shootem-ups and random level generation with a light story get on this, it's dope!  Only $34 on GOG.com or US $29.99 on Steam.



PS don't spoil the content surprises by reading or watching too much about it either, some cool sh*t to stumble across and get killed by.








I fly only in cockpit view.  A VR headset would the the BOMB with this game.  The in game graphics are top notch (custcenes are 2D mostly static drawings but I like the charm...reminds me of the old Thief games).


Loads of guns and shop mods to earn as you progress, it's a "rogue lite" (not "rogue like") so you are expected to die, restart and slowly improve your ship, though it is possible to get to the end on a basic ship with good skills, strats and a lot of luck from the random number generation gods.



I've been playing it with a Steam controller and am loving it, once set up right it's actually better than mouse and keyboard for movement in 3 dimensions - can manage to fly forwards or backwards while strafing left/right and/or moving up/down and also roll left/right all at once (as well as aim/steer) after you get some practice in.


If anyone needs a help with the steam controller set up for this game let me know.  It can be a bit slow to set up well if you are stumbling through the options.  One big item is I set the right touch pad to "Mouse region" instead of joystick and tweaked it until it felt accurate and fast.  Also made use of the dual stage triggers to avoid having to press two extra buttons (great feature).


I also play it in the Steam client despite buying through GOG and having a full DRM free version - just added the game to Steam so I can launch it there and be able to mess with Steam controller settings.

Edited by discostig
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Also been enjoying a simple platformer RPG co-op (or SP) game called Tallowmere, great for mindless fun with the missus after a day at work.  Again, we both play with Steam controllers but just mash buttons!  Prior to that we played a fancier puzzle action RPG platformer called Trine 2 (very fun and challenging, best played as co-op I reckon)

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