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  On 04/12/2018 at 1:25 AM, Puffwagon said:

Check out this video to see how the rtx 2080ti fares in bfv with ray tracing enabled.



Couple of days and a couple of updates does wonders ;)



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  • skids
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I can't seem to get consistent performance from BFV, been playing with the CPU overclock on my pc. I am still wanting to do the CPU upgrade (9900k,z390) so this would probably fix it as I only have 4 cores right now.


I was impressed by how they fixed the RTX performance in BFV just I think they should have got it to this stage first as they copped a lot of crap for it haha


  On 06/12/2018 at 7:43 AM, Puffwagon said:

Worst time of day too cos the internet slows down in the evenings.


screw that, go with aussie broadband and you shouldn't notice any slowdown during evenings. Another thing I've found is that during the evenings if you have lots of close neighbors the wi-fi airspace can become crowded.

Edited by skidxr6t
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  • Puff
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Rtx is still ghey for the price but an improvement is better than the farken arse sucking garbage that was released. Still... you can't use it at 4k which has got to be the biggest kick to the dick yet, not that there's anything wrong with 1440p.


Haha I think I'll upgrade in 2021 or thereabouts at the rate this is going.


  On 06/12/2018 at 9:52 AM, skidxr6t said:

go with aussie broadband


I got arse raped to the tune of nearly $300 to swap to Opballs from IInut and it'll likely be the same to switch to Aussie BB. Fark it, I will though, cos I've never had my internet line up and suck so many shiny balls, as it has since I moved to Opsack. Edit: Early termination fee is $500. Screw that sh*te!


  On 06/12/2018 at 9:52 AM, skidxr6t said:

Another thing I've found is that during the evenings if you have lots of close neighbors the wi-fi airspace can become crowded.


Every carnt and his dog has got wireless nbn here cos that's all you can get in this dusthole of a town.



  On 06/12/2018 at 9:52 AM, skidxr6t said:

I can't seem to get consistent performance from BFV, been playing with the CPU overclock on my pc.


My 4790k is oc'd to 4.7 and it is using all "8" cores at around 80%.

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  • Puff
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I just remembered that I got a free fetch mighty when I swapped to optus so now idgaf about the $500 contract fee.


Aussie bb here I come!

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just stick with what you've got as you were raving over the increase when you switched... just remember what it was like before the switch and remember how good it actually is :P

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  • Puff
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Having the internet drop out every day of the week, multiple times per day is reason enough to switch.


The speed will be better when I switch as it maintains 50/20 all day and isn't dropped to 25/12 in the evenings. 


I guess we'll see. 

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  • To Loud
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Puffwagon you there? don't swap. if you there, please reply, so I can tell you why.




@Puffwagon, a mate of mine that lives in dawsville/hallshead has been with IINET for a few years. He does FIFO and when he is in town, he has the internet working so and so. However every time he gets back from the mines, his internet is not working.He had to turn off his modem and then turn it back on. It got to a point lately that it was happening while he was in town as well and get fed up and IINET was not doing anything.


He recently decided to go with Aussie Broadband based on a few IT mates of his suggesting to go with them.

He churned over and as soon as his internet was up and running, he noticed that his connection had dropped from 44Mbps(iinet) to 3Mbps(ABB)

also his connection was disconnecting every 15 mins. he had to keep turning his modem off and back on.


He has been stuck in limbo land like this for 2 weeks now. ABB have contacted the NBN and they have been to the exchange and have run tests.

They say that everything checks out okay, but they know that there is an issue.

He has stopped playing games. he can't even apply for jobs lately through websites cause by the time the two finger typist is ready to submit the form, the net is down.

I suggest that you do not churn, but get the fukwits at OPBALLS to contact nbn and check out your line. 


If you getting drops in speed in the evening in comparison to the day, then it is OPBALLs that do not have enough bandwidth, then moving to Aussie Broadband will help with that.  

Edited by masda74
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if your on fixed wireless nbn you're screwed and I advise you to contact your local politician to explain why nbn thought rural users didn't want internet?


I drive through some places that they easily could have run fiber to each house and theyve gone and put a bloody dish on each roof.


  On 07/12/2018 at 4:58 AM, masda74 said:

then it is OPBALLs that do not have enough bandwidth,


optus are one of the worst providers on nbn ever. hows your nbn going MR 100mbit on FTTN Marco?

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  • To Loud
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I have been stable for a while which is good, however I recently found out why connection drops down from 84Mbps to about 35Mbps.

The router I have, has been known to cause the issue. it is not IINET or the NBN CO.

so I am on a hunt for a replacement router. This one has served me well for a bit.


I might actually call you in a couple of minutes @skidxr6t

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