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Size of sports bar at top.


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Hey guys,


New to the forum, thanks for having me! :)


Just left a deposit on an XR6 Turbo FG MKII Ute. 


Pick it up in a week. I can't wait, it's fairly well optioned, took me a while to find exactly what I wanted.


I do a lot of KM's in the country and a bit at night and I have sh*te night vision so I want to put a decent LED light bar on the sports bar. Prefer not to mount one to the front of the car.


Does anyone know the diameter of the sports bar at the top so I can get some clamps sorted? Seems to be a few decent clamps on the net, some for bullbars, not sure if any will be big enough though.



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I am not sure how many members on here actually have the sports bar on their utes.

I can't say that I know anyone in WA that has a ute and a sports bar.

Assuming that there are members on here that actually have a ute with the sports bar, the question is whether they still frequent the forum or not.

It has been rather quiet lately so hopefully one of them signs on to the forum soon and replies to your question.

Don't forget that when you pickup your ute, that PICS are required.


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Cheers for the responses gents.


It's hard spotting a turbo ute in Vic with no sports bar. 


One of the guys at work with an FG ute brought his in today and I got out the verniers. 77.5mm give or take a mm. Got some clamps off ebay that will fit a treat, 76-81mm.


We sell some light bars at work so I'll mock one up and hope it doesn't look too B&S ball, not fond of that look, lol.


When I get the ute I'll have a look at the behind the grille option too, just don't want to restrict any airflow for cooling.


I'll get some pics up shortly. :)

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Nice first post... :Welcome2FordXR6t: 

HID aren't great in high beam positions (due to the lengthy initial start up time) but would be ok in a long run time spotlight. 

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HID as high beam or spots won't be any good for me, I'm constantly flicking the lights on and off as it is, they don't like that much.


I'll work something out with some LEDs and maybe see if I can upgrade the globes in the fog lights.

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