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Buckled Wheels and Low Profile Tyre Advice Sort


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11 hours ago, El Andrew said:

I find nitrogen holds pressure better while I'm in at Harvey Norman buying a $400 shielded HDMI cables for better picture quality.


From someone who used to work at a HiFi store...the mark-up on cables is ridiculous. $400 cables cost them a whole lot less than that...

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7 hours ago, PTR_NITRO_FG said:

Minor buckles can be balanced out if they use a proper machine (Hunter GSP9700 Road Force Variation wheel balancer).


Ive had wheels out by 20-40g after coming from my local bob jane. Wheel specialist can easily fix buckles. Ones on the inside are cheaper to fix; but expect around $250+ each (and they will know if its repairable or not I.e. apparently buckle in spokes is hard to fix). 


Going bigger profile will make your speedo go out. You can adjust this at Ford I think (or when your car gets tuned). Online calculators say its bad for the variance to change more than 3% (which I havent done calc yet but fairly sure a 45 profile will be pretty big change).


Also those mk2 lux rims pop up 2nd hand around the $800-1300 range with rubber. Depends how much rash they have (seen mint sets for $1300). Might be an option if yours are unrepairable or they want crack prices to fix. Good luck and nice car! 



Thanks PTR_NITRO_FG, some good info there. I will be sure to Google that machine you mentioned as I prefer to have any repairs done right, and not just some guy with a blow torch and a hammer like some YouTube videos I've watched :-)


If really damaged, it would be on the inside edge, as the outside edge are pristine as when it rolled off the production line - not a scratch. The Bridgestone guy said 3 wheels were very minor and the fourth one was worse. I know the spare is brand new as in never been out of the boot. I might try swapping that out with the bad wheel for starters. (I will have to swap the tyre on the spare as the spare has the original "Bridgestone tyre unlike the ones on the car now which are Goodyear.


If I did go up a profile or two I'd be certain to have the speedo adjusted. It's due for it 50,000 in the next couple of months. I might aim at having this all done by then and have Ford do the adjustment.


Thanks again.


3 hours ago, sixman said:

Try replacing the badly buckled one with your spare. If its better, stick with it until u need new tyres. Then get new staggered wheels with wider tyres and enjoy the better traction.


Plan b: I got some limited edition stock rims sitting around if intetested


Sixman. We think alike. I think that may the way to start and see how it goes. Certainly the cheaper option. As I just mentioned in my previous post my spare wheel has never been out of the boot. If that turns out deformed I'll be having words with Ford :-P


2 hours ago, El Andrew said:

For that profile change at that rim size and tread width, the outside diameter change would be about 7%. So assuming at indicated road speed of 100 your real road speed is 98 (assuming usual factory speedo variance) new road speed will be approx 105.


Definitely worth having the speedo adjusted. I've heard speedos can be out heaps straight out of the factory (that info is from back in 80s, so maybe more modern cars are better these days).

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2 hours ago, El Andrew said:

For that profile change at that rim size and tread width, the outside diameter change would be about 7%. So assuming at indicated road speed of 100 your real road speed is 98 (assuming usual factory speedo variance) new road speed will be approx 105.


I was more referring to this comment on the 1010tires calculator. Wasnt sure if it was BS marketing to cover their ass....or if it actually does do something I.e. maybe the speeds affect abs sensors? IDK cause noob.




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1 hour ago, PTR_NITRO_FG said:


I was more referring to this comment on the 1010tires calculator. Wasnt sure if it was BS marketing to cover their ass....or if it actually does do something I.e. maybe the speeds affect abs sensors? IDK cause noob.





Handy calculator.


Another consideration the calculator has helped me think about, is that any new tyres I buy would need to be able to fit into the spare tyre cavity in the boot. Currently I have about an extra 3.5cm of room. This will obviously limit any ability to increase the profile.


I will probably only go up to 245/40 19" tyres when the time comes.


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5 minutes ago, El Andrew said:

You could keep the spare at a different size if it's only for occasional, get you home sort of use.


I guess, but I'm a little bit of a perfectionist and for the price of one extra tyre I would likely keep them uniform.


My current tyres still have heaps of tread (spare is unused), so I'm sure I could get as few dollars for them...

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