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  • Member For: 12y 7m 5d

Hey Guys,


just about to be passing on my 2011 XR6T sedan (zf 6 auto), and it has developed this ticking sound which used to only happen when the car wasn't loaded up,(as soon as you added throttle - it would go away)......now it is a really loud clunking noise which follows the RPM of the vehicle....


it has developed over quite a few weeks as no one can tell me what it is (even paid one guy $600 to look - he did nothing other than tell me that he didn't know what it is...F%^&)


now I have a focus RS on order...and waiting - but I need to fix this thing before I can sell it...and honestly it is that bad now I wonder how long it will last...


the car has really bad oil blow-by issues as well, the oil disappears and goes black straight away - quite likely that the engine has been lacking oil....I have thrashed the crap out of it to be fair.....after a bit of reading I thought at first that the noise could be the flex plate - so I took it in this week to a transmission joint who reckon it isn't the transmission....


any ideas guys?.....noise sounds like it could be coming from the top end or front left....


any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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clunking + oil consumption sounds like rotating assembly damage, to me... but it's obviously still getting compression, so I'm not so sure of that diagnosis...


Get a refund for the $600 of nothing, imho, as you could be up for some reasonable $$ to get it sorted.


As above, first thing I'd check is the timing chain/guide, second I'd do a compression test and go from there.


Have a video/sound file of the actual sound the engine is making?

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 5d

Ok, I will record a video with sound and post it up tonight.....

yeh I reckon the $600 nothing was rediculous...


oil is clean and good, I have been monitoring it very closely, as it drops pretty quickly...


car drives fine, possibly not as good as it used except I am sure I have a small boost leakage in the piping...only running 12psi but blew the piping once before and the guys at ford replaced it for me :)

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sounds like valvetrain damage to my relatively untrained ears..

As above, check the timing chain and guide.

Then pull the rocker cover off and have a look at the cams/valves/lifters to look for anything out of the ordinary.

Then if that's all good, do a compression test.

If the compression test is still good, I've got no other ideas right now.

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 5d

thanks guys, I will do more digging.....and let you know if I get stuck....


Question regarding the flex plate.....would it still make noise under load? - thought it doesn't when it has this fault


mine does under load.... but it never used to...

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  • Member For: 16y 2m 22d

Flex plate is what id be looking at!

Loose flex plate needs to be addressed very quickly as it can flog out the bolt holes in the back of the crank! and you don't particularly want to go down that road!

going un diagnosed and rectified ASAP id say it would become an issue under load and not only just at idle.

Edited by Boosted1
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