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Krazy Kyle

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The guys who do the scrutineering are pretty ruthless and your car needs to be in race ready condition with no oil leaks, full brake pads etc.  I nearly didn't pass and only had one shot at scrutineering as I was heading overseas and arrived back in Australia the day of Racewars (...then had a wedding on that day so missed the first day).


I was told to fix a very small leak on the turbo oil return and install new brake pads, however I had zero time and managed to talk them into re-checking the car on the second day of Racewars. I fixed the issues and they passed me but with all the commotion I forgot to load in the high speed tune lol.  My only 1000m run didn't gain any mph over the 800m so I knew I had an issue, so I left it there and went home. It wasn't until I sucked the tune out with HP afterwards that I found out I f**ked up.  Worst part is I hounded Stever to get his tuner to remove his  limiter haha.


Anyway, valuable lesson.  For those who are entering, make sure the car is in tip top condition and don't skimp on a decent tyre!!


So the list so far is:


 - Turboknapp

 - Stever


 - mummba


I'd be keen to organise a decent sized house if any others are!?  Accommodation will probably book out fairly quick towards the end of the year as it's going to be a decent sized event!



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15 minutes ago, IH8TOADS said:

The guys who do the scrutineering are pretty ruthless and your car needs to be in race ready condition with no oil leaks, full brake pads etc.  I nearly didn't pass and only had one shot at scrutineering as I was heading overseas and arrived back in Australia the day of Racewars (...then had a wedding on that day so missed the first day).


I was told to fix a very small leak on the turbo oil return and install new brake pads, however I had zero time and managed to talk them into re-checking the car on the second day of Racewars. I fixed the issues and they passed me but with all the commotion I forgot to load in the high speed tune lol.  My only 1000m run didn't gain any mph over the 800m so I knew I had an issue, so I left it there and went home. It wasn't until I sucked the tune out with HP afterwards that I found out I f**ked up.  Worst part is I hounded Stever to get his tuner to remove his  limiter haha.


Anyway, valuable lesson.  For those who are entering, make sure the car is in tip top condition and don't skimp on a decent tyre!!


So the list so far is:


 - Turboknapp

 - Stever


 - mummba

 - Wiggum*

I'd be keen to organise a decent sized house if any others are!?  Accommodation will probably book out fairly quick towards the end of the year as it's going to be a decent sized event!


15 minutes ago, IH8TOADS said:



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I know most of you bloke are on antilag and probably seen the plans for the grudge racing Saturday night. So who's keen to be called out? Haha me and toads should have ago since we are both manual the winner will probably be whoevers diff stays in the car off the line lol.

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