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Oil in my turbo pipe


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Hi guys this is my first post on here, I bought a 2011 fg xr6t ute, manual, last year. I noticed a when I when I was changing gears a loud air blow off noise recently and when I popped the hood the big pipe that says turbo intercooler that runs over the engine  (not exactly a pro with motors lol) had popped off. Easy to put back on but I noticed a fair bit of oil in the pipe and it had leaked onto the top of the motor. Can someone please help, is this anything to worry about and is it ok to drive as is? 

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You will see one of the breather lines from the top of the engine cover going into the crossover pipe and it is there  (as stated above) because the engines "naturally" do let some oil by and for emissions purpose it goes back through the system to be burnt off. If you take off any intercooler pipes in future you will probably notice a bit in there too. Way around it is to buy a catch can if you wanted to but not needed.

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You using a phone to post?  Might explain the ' being replaced, you're not the only one it affects so don't worry about it.


When the oil is sent back into the intake pipe of the crossover (bit on top of engine) it gets sucked in to the turbo by the compressor, then passes through the intercooler and in to the intake manifold.  No prizes for guessing where it goes after that hahaha

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By being sucked back into the system through the turbo and going through the engine. As the joins and pipes etc don't sit completely flush, that is where the liquid build up usually settles.

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