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zf6/t56/btr 4speed/2 speed glide


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  • Member For: 11y 3m 9d
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Most manual race cars are sequential, practicality wise there isnt a huge difference between say a dual clutch auto, the zf is essentially a slush box though.

What you say about them not wanting to do what you want in manual mode with stock tune is certainly true. I have given one a hard time for the past 3 years and trust me you learn to drive around it all. would be much better if it downshifted when you wanted to everytime and if there wasnt that slight delay between slapping the stick and shifting.

I find it holds in gear with the converter locked just fine in corners and behaves just like I would expect a manual to so can't agree what that argument. Driven more than enough sh*tty autos hard to know what you mean but.

Im pretty confident I could set comparable lap times, if not better with the zf in pretty much any scenario. stock vs stock obviously. Surley such a same driver, stock vs stock comparison already exists on the interwebs

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Yes, a sequentially (and full throttle, full revs) shifted manual solves the "shift time" deficit for the H-Pattern vs Clutched (Single or Dual) Automatic problem I mentioned in my previous post (upshift time T56 vs ZF)

"learning to drive around" a problem doesn't remove the problem. Glad we agree mostly on the rest ;)



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