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4 minutes ago, johnxr6t said:


I'd be ringing the shop and asking for your money back. Depends how much they charged you but it's still worth asking and maybe even having another workshop write a letter.


If you check out some build threads you'll notice a trend in certain quality brands being used. process west/plazmaman/xforce/nizpro/etc for example.

Wont refund. But I'll be makinga complaint and sharing the result around, I don't want to be petty but honestly I payed good money to have my car tuned like sh*t. The only thing good I got out of it was the air filter and typhoon lower intake. That and the sct tuner. But I'll keep the tunes for matt at bpr to look at and see what the bloke did. Then unmarry the tuner and put an actual decent tune into it.

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This is a good read. Sorry to hear a story of someone paying good money for a decent tune. We cann all learn the lesson and do it right, do it once. I have seen stage 2 PW coolers selling for 1K second hand. I gotta admit, these cars are pretty expensive to mod but making 300+rwkw on 15psi with stock turbo is impressive. I think if I get to the point of putting a tune on my car, I will just bite the bullet and get the supporting parts that are tried and tested with backed up results everytime. Pay once only.

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She's back to stock, I just hope the rods aren't f*cked. With the new valves springs getting put it I just hope no harm comes from this tune. Apparently this bloke nearly blew up someone else's car. Wish I'd have known before!

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19 minutes ago, MattyP said:

Youd know pretty quick if the rods are f*cked

Well idle isn't the best but that's more likely to be valve springs or coils. But shouldnt be cause they were replaced recently.


Edit. The idle is absolutely ridiculous. Bouncing and not giving a steady needle. 


It's hopefully just the valve springs.

Edited by XRBoost
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Bad idle could be a few things, I think a leaving intake manifold gasket or dirty throttle body might be a possibility.  You can test for a leaking intake gasket by spraying something around it, I think throttle body cleaner actually, can someone confirm that's the stuff to use?  Never had to do it myself.


You aren't the first and won't be the last person to get a bad tune done, just lucky you knew enough to go looking for opinions.  Total novices would get taken for a ride so often by these dodgy shops.

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^WHS. I'm glad to see you figured something wasn't right, followed up on it and had the bad tune pulled from the car, beats reading a "my car went BANG!" story. All the best with future tunes bud.

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