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Can't get FG XR6t to stop leaking coolant from behind water pump


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  • Member For: 8y 8m 25d

I had a slow coolant drip, would have to top up the water once every few days and I saw the dried coolant trails on the bottom of the water pump.


I bought a new pump and replaced it along with the gasket and rubber O-ring (genuine green one), then it started one or two drips every second, major water leakage.


I sanded and buffed the metal hose that connects into the back of the water pump to smooth it out but no matter how many times I try remove and refit it, the water always leaks from the rear metal pipe. I tried refitting the old water pump and it still leaks. I bought a new O-ring and it still leaks.


When reassembling, is the green O-ring meant to go all the way in the water pump recess, or all the way down the metal pipe where the flange is? The metal water pipe doesn't seem to have any damage on it. Should I use some type of silicon or glue on the fitting?


What else can I do to stop it leaking?

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Not sure if you should do it to your car but on my old car I used gasket sealant (aviation type I think??) on a o ring that I couldn't get to seal and it worked fine.


On my falcon I had a small weep from behind water pump but I was able to tighten up a bolt to fix this. The previous owner had the timing cover off and didn't tension everything up properly.

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