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Zf Stalling when Put in Gear

Steve O

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Hi guys,


I've searched for a couple of days but can't seem to find an answer. I've got an 07 zf xr6t and when I put it into reverse from drive or vice versa the revs will drop a bit and then return to normal. If I have been reversing into a spot and I put it back to drive the car will even stall. The idle is also slightly rough and when the car is dead cold, as in puling out of the driveway and stopping at an intersection about 100m up the road it seems to surge like its trying to push through the brakes.

Recently replaced parts are coil packs, cleaned throttle body, wastegate actuator and oil and filters. Plugs are about 500km old.

I'm thinking it may be TPS, a vacuum leak or a dirty injector but am not sure.

Any help as I want this sorted so I can get moving on the mods.



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my guess is PCV valve leak, but I'd use tjhis situation as a good time to try out your tuner of choice to see if they can resolve it quickly :spoton:

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  • Member For: 14y 1m 11d
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  • Location: Sydneys Northern Beaches

Properly cleaned the intake system, checked all hoses and ran some injector cleaner. Doesn't stall in gear anymore. Still runs rough when cold until it almost flicks a switch where revs rise a tad and idle smooths out. weird

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Mine did this. Disconnect the negative on the battery for min 10mins to reset pcm. Connect it back up and see how you go. It will prob idle a touch high until it works out what it needs to


Mine would barely idle at times and ofcourse you cant really adjust it other than tcv which usually makes it retarded to drive.

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