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Turbo replaced but not related to problem


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Well I've had the car back for a few days now with the new turbo that was replaced by Ford under warranty. I was hoping it would solve the problem I was having previously but unfortunately it's still persisting. It can be confirmed that there was definitely something wrong with the old turbo as it would make a very loud whining sound, like a supercharger but the new one sounds normal and it feels like the car is more responsive with the boost so that's all good, but the problem I was having before clearly wasn't related to this. I'll recap here what was happening as I posted it in the off topic section so I'm not sure how many people actually read it.


I was experiencing unusual feedback which was noticeable when applying light throttle, maybe 1/4, at low speeds and it seemed linked with the engine rpm. There was also a noise which I don't know how to describe, whirring, humming or buzzing perhaps? Not loud, fairly subtle and as mentioned above, only present when applying light throttle at low speeds and it will do it constantly if you hold it there. I can feel the feedback through the pedal when it's pressed down to this point, and it feels like it's coming from the front where the engine is. Past this point at higher speeds with 3/4 to full throttle you can't notice it anymore, it's just smooth feedback when accelerating, but it used to be like that all the time before at any speed. No lack of power. No missing, no shuddering, no hesitation. No codes. Front two tyres need replacing but would that really be the culprit?


Ford reckon there was nothing else wrong with the car apart from the turbo, but I'm not entirely convinced. I've had the car for almost a year now and I know exactly how it felt then and how it feels now. I guess it's understandable for someone who doesn't drive it every single day to not pick up on this because it's not something that is causing evident issues like other mechanical problems. So basically this is something that isn't affecting the cars engine performance but causing an undesirable sensation when accelerating within certain parameters.

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does it happen in any gear?

any specific road speed?


If you can't pinpoint anything exact, get it run up on a dyno and see if you can replicate it there, is my only advice. With the information you've provided it's difficult to diagnose.

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Mine did something similar a few months back. It was making a high pitched noise and was jerky from closed throttle. It wouldn't drive slowly either.


I'm pretty sure it was the idle minimum vss being set incorrectly. I would have to compare maps to confirm.

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how many ks does your car have kokenose? fluctuating revs and a slight jerkyness at light throttle can be an unhappy ZF. could be a little low on fluid or need a service. They are known to make strange noises like wharring when they are unhappy....


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Yeah sorry I want to try explain it properly but I don't know how to. It's like when you put your foot down a bit to accelerate instead of it feeling smooth it feels like there is resistance which is met with this slight vibration and noise somewhere throughout the car, almost as if there is friction somewhere. It's not a high pitch sound, it's dull. Oil levels are fine, checked transmission fluid yesterday by getting it to temp and opening the filler plug, fluid started to trickle out so that seems alright. It does it in any gear as soon as there is load on the engine at low rpms. I've got it booked in to get looked at by a suspension place so with any luck they'll be able to diagnose it.

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so if it happens in any gear and around the same RPM range, I'd guess it's a resonance thing with something solidly attached to the engine (engine mounts, intake manifold, exhaust etc) or a "dull spot" in the tune.

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