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Low battery voltage causing immobiliser to come on


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So I had a issue with the immobiliser coming on in the f6 the other day. Got in it and drove it about 3 minutes down the road to go to the supermarket and then when I came out I went to start it and it would think and cranking and then just immobilise. So I jumped out tried lockking and unlocking the car but that achieved nothing. Lucky I had a multimeter in the car at the time and the battery was reading 12.2v which I didn't think was that bad. Called a mate and he turned up with a new battery and that fixed the issue anyway. 


Now  I know that a battery is suppose to be a little higher than 12v but I would have thought 12.2v would have been enough to start it. The voltage could have been dropping when it tried to crank but I didn't test that. While I was googling to try and find the issue I read a couple people saying that if its under 12.4v it will immobilise. Anyone know if this is actually true and if so why they are so sensitive to voltage??

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The newer Fords and holdens have been pretty picky with battery voltage and can cause some weird things to happen if it aint right

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Voltage will drop when cranking the engine. They do weird sh*t with low battery voltage, good to just replace it or charge it and move on with life...

Mine flashes up transmission not in park when the battery is low. Why I have no idea..

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Yep, FG's in particular do some weird things when the battery is either loosely connected or low on voltage. 


When After cranking, the battery will jump up in reading voltage to well over 13 volts as the starting charging system applies some extra juice. If it can't get to high/mid 12's then it probably will be low on charge or the starting/charging system has an issue (unlikely) and you'll have issues starting.


EDIT: silly mistake. Have corrected.

Edited by k31th
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27 minutes ago, k31th said:

Yep, FG's in particular do some weird things when the battery is either loosely connected or low on voltage. 


When cranking, the battery will jump up in reading voltage to well over 13 volts as the starting system applies some extra juice. If it can't get to high 12's then it probably will be low on charge or the starting system has an issue (unlikely) and you'll have issues starting.

Chloe.gif + Spinycat.gif

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magical voltages from the free air society 

Edited by JETURBO
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What would you know about totes, J@? :P


8 minutes ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

Chloe.gif + Spinycat.gif

spinycat.gif? ... you're one weird publicly showing channer ;) 

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I do know load doesn't have a reaction to generate voltage out of thin air 



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