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Fg xrt6 oil feed line replacement


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Gday, I have a 2011 fg xr6t and have heard mixed reports on whether to change the turbo oil feed to aftermarket or leave it stock? Ive heard of the inline filter clogging up on the stock lines and cooking the turbo however some people are saying the fg doesnt have a filter.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


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It will have a filter.follow the steel line out the back of the turbo around the front of the engine and into the side of the block on the passenger side. The lines arent the problem its the filter itself.

People generally order earls kits or fit there own type of filter on to the existing lines or even rid of a filter all together.

Plenty of discussion on it can be found in existing threads.

At very least filter should be cleaned at regular intervals. 

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This is why the FG is less prone to failure 

FG is the long one, BA is the short one 

even though the FG one has X3 the screen area we still get rid of them 

the best imho is just using the std line without the filter but many like the earls line, either is better than nothing 



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I have an Earl's kit but to be honest there's no filter element in it anyway (just a flyscreen sized screen that probably holds the real filter), so effectively no filter at all.  

Been that way for about 96,000km now.  Total kms on the car is 299,483 as of posting this, but I got a new stock turbo just before the 100,000km mark so say 200 thousand kays on current turbo.  I beat up on it REGULARLY.


The BFs changed to the long filter at some point, here's mine (May 2007 build)




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