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Garrett actuator

Box stock T.

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Okay so the high flow cat with the flapper mod which is $450 done by MTQ ( spoke to blake ) these boys would have done a couple of these before and this is what he said. As you said  Jet,  martin will work with what he knows works best and this is why he is installing my id 1000's. I was trying to have most things done before it went in for the injectors. I will talk to Martin and see what he reckons but as you know Jet he is a busy man and I dont want to bother him 100 questions.  Cheers again for the input Jet. 

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Well in all honesty Martin is very busy like most of us but tackle it in an appreciative manner and say

I want 250-300-350-400 ( whatever you want and give him the keys and your money

leave the rest to him... Yep it's going to cost a bit more ( maybe ) but it becomes clear for him to go " yep he wants 300rwkw and I got the hardware on shelf or can get what I know works" 

if you fully know what you're doing then do it but if you know only enough to cause issues and further cost to you why even bother ??

my best customers are the ones who know nil, not because they can't do the work or supply the parts but the fact I know I can generate a result and only have to do the job once and believe it or not but the ones who come in with a stock car usually walk out with a complete package costing less than if they had a "go" first 

true story 

on the flip side I can appreciate people who can do it all and get it right so all I have to do is tune the car 

the amount of "tune only" car's are 1/10 

very rarely is a car set correctly as it comes in ... A good tuner should be able to work with nearly anything that comes in but results will vary largely and typically not in a good way and this is why tuners will typically use repeat parts as to get results and trust within build packages they sell and different tuners will nearly always have a different outlook on hardware compared to the next tuner 

Edited by JETURBO
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4th paragraph sums it up. 

If you don't know how it all works then save some money and get it done right the first time. 

You may mess up a small thing and have it cost an extra hour or two when the mechanic has to fix it. 

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All points taken. I do have to admit I read  alot threads with people chasing there tails while trying to chase kw's. Im more than happy to ponie up the dough to someone like Martin who has been in tuning game for longer than most and been tuning these Barra turbo's in the early days of there introduction and you pay for good quality and know how.

I will leave it the capable hands of Martin and either let him supply what he knows works best for what Im chasing power wise and if he sends me off with a shopping list that's what I will be after.

Do it once do it right seems to be the motto. Im not mechanic but I have always done about 80% of the work myself and a mate workshop at lonsdale comes in handy for a hoist but I will leave the tuning and tweaking to the guru's. Thanks Jet and Puff for all ya help. 

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On 3/18/2016 at 4:50 PM, Box stock T. said:

Adding to this thread. I also have the option to go to a 11.8 psi actuator for the same coin. I would be thinking it will be retuned to around 14 psi after new injectors and 255 intank fuel pump.

I used a Garrett 8psi one for my car which is what was recommended to me by the person tuning my car. My car sat on 15psi to redline with maybe the slightest boost spike to 16 when coming on boost. This was also without the flapper mod. Sent you a PM.

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I spoke to Blake from MTQ last week and he said that some of the later bf's had a bigger internal wg.


That could account for my car not needing the flapper mod with the stock turbo. 

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No no no no lol 


not true at all, there all the same 


talk to paul as Blake spins around on his chair and asks Paul the questions then Paul will typically ask me if he doesn't know hahaha

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Ok then. It did sound a bit sus lol. I'll remember who to talk to for next time. 

I'm picking up my turbo from ATS today. 


I wonder why I can run gated boost, 12 psi, and others can't? Stock cat back maybe? 


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A sentence.
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