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Happy medium between gtx76r and gtx82r?


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23 minutes ago, sixman said:

OP, I had a PTE6235 and now a GTX3576r. The GTX does spool about 400-500rpm earlier, but feels slow compared to the Precision. Spool is similar to the GT3576 and keeps pulling all the way where the GT drops off after 3500rpm. But there is no comparison to the PTE6235, once it comes on boost it is sensational and pulls way harder than the GTX. From 2700rpm the midrange is sensational. On pump 98 you are looking at 50-60rwkw peak power difference, but it is much more in the midrange. On the dyno I was hitting 400rwkw by 120km/hr.

To me the GTX3576 is soft and the PTE is the ultimate street turbo.

What caused you to go to the GTX if you enjoyed the precision so much?


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Has anyone had or know of any reliability issues with the precisions? I've read they have a bit of a rougher track record than garret. I know they are still a great turbo, but I don't want to have to buy a couple of them 

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On 08/03/2016 at 11:21 AM, grimie16 said:

Looking at upgrading the turbo later this year on my g6et. All supporting mods complete, now looking to go that little bit further. I'm after around 370rwkw - 390rwkw on pump fuel as there isn't to much rocket fuel where I am. From all the reading I've done, most 76's end up around 360 on 98. I've read about a few outliers like BenDoCo's 76r, who cracked the 400 mark on pump fuel, however, I'm just going off the majority of results. 

Obviously, I want to keep the car punchy, hence not going straight for the gtx3582r and highly considering the gtx3576r. I've ridden in both cars, a 350rwkw 76r, which was just missing that little bit up top, and a 420rwkw 82r which was just to laggy for what I'm looking for as I aIm to have a decent street car. 

I've read a few HTA options are quite good, but has anyone been down the same path before, or had any experience with a turbo that will get me what I want? Cheers. 

Hey Bud, send me a message and we can discuss possible options available while keeping it still OEM bolt on. GTX76R or Our stage 2 76R highflow which has been proven to spool the same if not quicker then a OEM FG turbo. Can check out my write up and dyno charts in the traders section!

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I've looked into N20 a couple of times, it would be fairly simple to drive off my eboost 2, I'm just not up to speed on tuning with it and what changes I would need to make to make the car live on it and what effects this would have when not running it.



Not ruling it out though!

Yep simple stuff! Wet kit, NOS window switch, purge kit, bottle gauge about $1300 from rocket on a good account.. With the window switch you set a low rpm (on) and a high rpm (off) and calibrate it to the voltage from your TPS.. Once it's armed the nitrous will only come on between those 'Windows'

I setup a relay with a resistor to trick ECT or IAT to think that it's at xx temp then in the multiplier for that specific temp you deduct timing, connect that to your arming switch so it comes on at the same time as your window switch and that's it... Giggle gas!!

Gas is awesome, but it's harsh on parts and fuel volume is the key, I'm about to setup a BA xr8 with it, so we'll see if the stock fuel lines are big enough... The Maloo needed full -8

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Nitrous will help with spool, and up top, it adds air and fuel, and you know what more air and fuel does

Water meth is good too, it's more for 98 octane when your looking for a detonation suppressant, but don't want to go to e85 or similar... I've used it on a supercharged ba, it added about 65hp with a decent size jet

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