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2001 XR6 Trying to identify a loose wire, comes out of firewall on the near side of the Brake Booster.


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  • Member For: 9y 26d

While changing the Brake Booster I came across a wire that's not connected and is just laying loose. It has a terminated end to be screwed or bolted somewhere, and is about a foot long from the firewall, where it about 50mm to the right hand side (looking from the front of the car). I can't see where it would have been connected. It looks as though it's been a bit toasty, I'm guessing from the extractors which were fitted before we got the vehicle, and may have been disconnected for a reason. I can fix the wire and put heat shield on it, but have no idea where, or what it's supposed to be doing?

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  • Member For: 9y 26d

Upon looking again, that cable is more like 2 feet long. I drew a red circle in the first photo where the cables comes out of the firewall. I did place a screwdriver to point at the location, but I didn't think it came out too clearly.



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  • Member For: 9y 26d

I've been looking through a pdf service manual, and haven't been able to find anything relating too it so far. Hence, why I asked here. Makes me wonder what was removed. Apart from something to do with original exhaust like a sensor, seeing as it's had extractor's fitted, I don't know what would be missing. It's obviously nothing too vital, as the car runs fine.

Thanks for your help.

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