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Just pulled my turbo and manifold off over the last 2 days after my exhaust housing to core dropped a bolt...

There appears to be a lot of conflicting info on here around torque specs and whether or not to use gaskets between the turbo and manifold.

My questions

1. Should I replace the studs and nuts on the manifold to turbo?

2. Should I replace the dump pipe studs?

3. Can we finally conclude whether or not a gasket is better between the turbo and manifold? Nizpro appear to have put one on mine when it was off for the wastegate mod. Ford from factory don't have one though...

4. Can someone in the know confirm the torque specs in this post: http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/90458-Need-Torque-Specs-For-Fg#entry1543687

The specs for manifold to head seem quite high considering the BA/BF specs

5. How the blooddy hell are you supposed to properly torque the 2 lower manifold bolts near the collector? They were an absolute pain to get out with a 10mm ring spanner, let alone putting them in a and torquing to the correct spec.

Thanks guys!

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OK so rang Nizpro today to ask them a few q's.

1. The Ford ones are apparently pretty good, but replacing them if you can is a good idea. Turns out that Nizpro had already put some inconel locking nuts on my turbo, so I can re-use those. If you've got the stockers its a good idea to get something of the locking variety.

2. I think as per point 1 would be a fair conclusion. If they're hammered, change them

3. Nizpro def recommend a gasket between the turbo and manifold. The metal to metal fit doesn't last over time and will leak with expansion and contraction.

4. Still TBD

5. Still TBD although I borrowed a really long 10mm ring spanner from a mate. It would be twice the length of a stock spanner, should work OK.

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Ok so I do manifold off/ turbo off alot for customer car's and this is how I go about it each time 


new manifold to head gasket ( genuine ford ) aprox $50

new head/manifold bolts ( genuine ford ) $8ea

new turbo studs MTQ/sonic brand aprox $20

new stud nuts MTQ/sonic brand aprox $20

new gasket kit MTQ/sonic brand ( yes this includes a turbo flange gasket ) aprox $50

new Dump studs/nut combo MTQ/sonic brand aprox $30 


universal fasteners sell a brand called Norlock* locking washers to suit all the nuts/studs/bolts this will cost about $50 with some spares 


peter this should answer allllllllll your questions in the PM ;) 


now theres no way to torque those two lower bolts by the collector just as tight as you can with a ring spanner will suffice 


now the new ford head bolts come with locktite on them so that helps keep everything tight 


the best part about my method is I had a customer come in after 18 months the other day from initial install and it needed to all come off and it was all 100% tight and sealed as the day it was fitted 


yes a gasket is needed for the turbo flange as I've had to pull many apart and had the faces machined as yes they do warp with just face to face butt like factory 

I then go on to have zero issues with a gasket installed


cheers thanks ta  

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This sounds about right 



Factory Specs for FGXR6T

Manifold to Head: 53 NM

Turbo to Manifold (Stud): 30 NM 

Turbo to Manifold (Nut): 47 NM

Dump Pipe to Turbo: 24 NM

Dump Pipe Braces (Dump Pipe Upper & Lower ): 16 NM

Dump Pipe Braces (Engine Block Upper & Lower ): 26 NM

Heat Shields to Exhaust Manifold: 20.5 NM

Heat Shields to Dump Pipe: 26 NM

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Ok so I do manifold off/ turbo off alot for customer car's and this is how I go about it each time 


new manifold to head gasket ( genuine ford ) aprox $50

new head/manifold bolts ( genuine ford ) $8ea

new turbo studs MTQ/sonic brand aprox $20

new stud nuts MTQ/sonic brand aprox $20

new gasket kit MTQ/sonic brand ( yes this includes a turbo flange gasket ) aprox $50

new Dump studs/nut combo MTQ/sonic brand aprox $30 


universal fasteners sell a brand called Norlock* locking washers to suit all the nuts/studs/bolts this will cost about $50 with some spares 


peter this should answer allllllllll your questions in the PM  


now theres no way to torque those two lower bolts by the collector just as tight as you can with a ring spanner will suffice 


now the new ford head bolts come with locktite on them so that helps keep everything tight 


the best part about my method is I had a customer come in after 18 months the other day from initial install and it needed to all come off and it was all 100% tight and sealed as the day it was fitted 


yes a gasket is needed for the turbo flange as I've had to pull many apart and had the faces machined as yes they do warp with just face to face butt like factory 

I then go on to have zero issues with a gasket installed


cheers thanks ta  

Thank you. Awesome info.

Are permaseal and durapro ok brands for the gaskets ?

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+1 for nordlock washers or stage8 fasteners for the exhaust housing to manifold studs/nuts. Just inconel studs/nuts won't make them stay, it needs to have some sort of locking mechanism.

+1 for new exhaust manifold to exhaust ports gasket. Worth every cent :)

Ford don't put a gasket between the manifold and exhaust housing. If it's not sealing (e.g. warped faces), put a gasket in. If it's sealing fine (e.g. non-warped faces), leave it without a gasket, imho :) 

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