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My Build (Another Xr6 Turbo) Photos Galore


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So thought I would start a thread, been on the forum for years some might know my old wagons that I had


Sold bout 4 years ago when I decided I needed a change, there is a build thread on the car


Upgraded to this, because no other reason other than want and cool factor and I could afford it (high payed FIFO with money to burn)


As it happens, I got engaged and my fiancee (now wife) wanted a bigger house to raise a family. So that meant something had to go and I wasn't allowed to volunteer myself. Yep the dream car, was sold bout 12 months after having it, gutted knowing that I probably won't have one again

Roll on January this year, I knew of a well looked after XR6 that was going for sale. Had a few minor mods done to it and the owner was merticulous with taking care of it, main +'s on top of this was it was a 6 speed manual, had a FPV Series 2 Typhoon motor in it and I'm good mates with the former owner


So this was too be my family car, the wife was sorted in that department, but I was still using the 2 door property hack so this would satisfy my modding bug and also the child seat requirements.

It didn't take long, I was on Gumtree and forums looking for bits. I wanted to go a little different this time, so instead of going to straight power mods I focused on getting the handling bits sorted




All front and rear bushes have been done, sway bars have been left factory due to holding the car to stiff and making it skate and feel insecure on the road

With the brakes done had to swap the rims, until I can afford a set of Genuine BBS or SSR's this will do the job. Picked them up from Gumtree for $100, quick sand and clean up and a spray


Solid bush in the Diff, makes for a bit of road noise so I figure might as well as do something about it


The whole car is being done, including the doors and stereo components. Plus any one who has a solid mounted gear leaver, I would recommend some is wrapped around that as well. It reduces the transmission turn over noise and transfer.

So I wanted to make sure I had all the right supporting mods, plus when the chance came up to obtain a turbo that the previous owner always wanted to fit I snapped it up right quick.


Has a full stainless exhaust system fitted consisting of 4" SMB dump and 5" Cat, mated to a Herrod twin system that I picked up for a bargain


Under car surge tank is installed, will be able to update it to a Fuel lab high displacement pump and regulator in the future for the e85 set up


As I am changing things and improving the car, I want to neaten up the engine bay hosing and harness. So I have a small fortune of bits, hoses, connectors and tanks to fit, I will also be making replacement harness's for the factory ones that I don't like


As off today the car sits like this


I have completely immobilised the car, this is my motivation to get the car complete as quick as possible. I have all the bits now for the whole car, so I just need to get my act into gear and build on it.

Cooler fitted last night


When I have completed the work, it should look like this


Cheers for reading, I will update as I move along with the car.

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I immobilised mine also. It's been like that for a little over 12 months now... It seems that no matter how well you plan a build, the time frames always blow out.... Nice thread title btw... :dancing::dancing:

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Haha don't say that, in saying that your completely rebuilding and wiring a car. I'm not going that far, but fingers crossed I keep to target.


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Previous owners a dick and all the work previously done to that car is shonkier than a free SA dyno tune.

Brad, I'll be acting as chief motivator on this one so it won't be stationary for long.

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  • in the mid....not the bum like some
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Previous owners a dick and all the work previously done to that car is shonkier than a free SA dyno tune.

Brad, I'll be acting as chief motivator on this one so it won't be stationary for long.

Don't discredit the people who have family that actually tune lol....yep free tunes can be good Ralphy ;)

I wasn't the previous owner PMSL :)

Edited by Skids4kids
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Looking good man! Is my brain playing tricks on me or is the left 2 exhaust pipes slightly larger than the right 2?

Also are you painting the rear brembos blue or front ones black? Hope its the latter

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