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Fg Xr6 Turbo Mods


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that's great skids...I was basically just reiterating what you said bout not being that impressive as the stock fg turbo would and has seen 330kw on a happy dyno so 330 doesnt sound that great, as you said.

I know what your saying about mph proving/indicating rwkw and some stock turbod fg's probably have genuinely made 330 according to their mph.....but its really got nothing to do with my comment.

Last time I agree with skids fkn hell.....

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  • Member For: 10y 5m 9d
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Spend the money now and get quality mods. You say only want 330kw now but that always changes, trust me I know from experience so get parts that can handle more than just 330kw

My suggestions is new intercooler kit (plazmaman or process west), 1000cc injectors, fuel pump and a tune. That should see you around the 300kw mark and satisfy you for a while. Then you sit back and wait for the mod bug to bite again and do the next round. Then you enjoy the car and wait for the mod big to bite again and again and so on.

Good luck!!

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