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Who Is Playing Fallout 4? What Strategy Are You Using?


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Fallout 4 ftmfw. Game of the year for sure.

Bethesda pretty much always delivers but wow...20+ hrs logged so far and I keep getting distracted soing rando sh*t. Like building a mint settlement, scavenging, exploring, modifying weapons ect.. didnt think I could be so impressed after playing every other fallout title...

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  • To Loud
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That is the whole point of the freggin game. I am not sure if you played the previous titles, but I played all of them except vagas. Didn't even know it came out.

Anyways, you do what you want in the game. I have clocked up 38 hours of the game already. I do a lot and I mean alot of runs to hoard crap.

When you hoard stuff and take it back to your main settlement, just don't store it in the workshop.

You get more resources if you drop all your junk and scrap it using the workshop menu.

I learnt that they hard way as I kept just dumping the stuff in the workshop and then modifying my weapons and stuff.

By just modifying your weapons and not scrapping the junk, you get less resources.

Anyways, I have spent a lot of time building up my settlement and you run out of resources quick, hence the reason for hoarding session on my behalf.

you can carry on with your main missions or side missions as well. Just keep in mind that some missions have expiry dates and you can fail to complete the main story line quests.

Doing hoarding raids means you don't level up as fast and the game play can get boring, but it is easy to get back into your missions.

I have not been using my power armour suit as I have been saving up the fusion cores for later in the game.

if you do happen to run out of fusion cores in the field. get out of the armour. take the core out and store it in your NPC inventory.

Then get back into the suit and fast travel to any of your settlements, Glitch????? :P

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Lol yeah ive played all the other fallout games, most bethesda titles infact.

I worked out pretty fast to scrap things rather than store them at the workshop. There is a perk avalible so you get things like screws, springs ect when scrapping guns ect but I tend to deck out my settlers with weapons and armor I find rather than scrapping it.

Im playing it on hard and so far the only time I have needed the suit was to defeat the waves at Cambridge police station. Pretty much just parked the suit. I get the fusion core mechanic though coz if you could just use it 24/7 it would just be 2 easy. Its like an almost god mode.

I too have probably spent more time on settlements than missions lol. Built a mad 3 story building at the starlight drive in. that's my main settlement really but I cant build a weapons workbench and stuff there yet which is annoying me.

Also the rifle perk + the righteous laser rifle that the palidan gives you is fairly OP imo. 40% more damage is a nice perk. .308 rifle becomes deadly as well. Suits me I prefer accuracy and using vats over pray and spray automatic weapons anyway.

Mysterious stranger perk has saved my bacon more than once as well. Was getting my but kicked by a sentry and near death the mysterious stranger shows up(when using vats) and just one shots the sentry with a revolver lol....I want that revolver

Edited by barnz
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  • To Loud
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LOLS. I see we have similar strategies.

I think we need to create a new thread about Fallout 4 and discuss strategies in there.

We are sidetracking off the OP question here.

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  • To Loud
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I thought it would be better to start a separate thread for this?

Who out there is playing fallout 4? If you are, what strategy are you using in regards to the SPECIAL and Perks?

Any Tips that you may have?

I only figured this out once I got to level 17. I wish I had know about it earlier, but I was lucky that it didn't affect my initial choices at the beginning that I had to restart the game from the start. Depending on how many stars or points you assign to each S.P.E.C.I.A.L is how far down the chain under that special, you will be able to unlock the perk.

So this image shows you all the Specials at the top and the Perks under each one:


This picture actually shows you the names of each special and the perks under them.

It also shows the amount of stars you can spend on each one and what they entitle you to"


In the previous games I chose to hide and sneak a lot and steal.

I got to the point where I got sick of loosing my fights and decided to start from scratch using brute force and heavy machinery.

This time around I decided to invest in Charisma and strength. This seems to have done me well as I am able to hoard a lot and carry heaps of junk.

Under the Strength Special.

I have reached level 27 and so at this point in time, I can not get all 4 stars under the strong back perk.

Well worth having this if you hoard a lot. I have also invested in Armorer to make my own armor.

Under Perception Special

I use the sniper rifles alot and so Rifleman is a good perk to have.

Sniper along with rifleman perk work well together.

Since I hoard a lot I also am investing in locksmith to unlock doors and safes.

Under the Endurance Special

I have not invested much points for this.

Under Charisma Special.

Cap collector is good for trading prices.

I have local leader level 2 for settlement purposes.

Allows resources to be available at all settlements and you can create stores for trading and making money.

Under Intelligence Special.

I have invested in Gun Nut to be able to make mods to my guns.

I have invested in hacker to hack terminals.

Scrapper is a good perk for scrapping junk. gives you more resources each time.

Science is another Perk that allows for modding of weapons like the laser weapons.

Under Agility Special.

I have not invested much in this Special either.

Under Luck Special.

Scrounger is a good perk in a sense that you find more ammo when looting the wasteland.


A few pointers that I have mentioned else where, there is a limited amount of resources available at each settlement.

Yes there is a lot of steel and wood available at Sanctuary, but it eventually runs out when you have supply lines setup to other settlements.

Supply lines allow you to share resources between your settlements.

Some settlements don't have much resources sitting around. This is why supply lines work well.

When you have collected junk and you go back to your base, don't store it in your workshop.

you are better off dropping it on the floor at the settlement and then going into the workshop menu and scrapping items.

you get more resources when you do this, instead of storing it in your workshop and then modifying your gun or armor.

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Got it free with my new xbox. Never played a fallout before and it's real f*cking confusing.

So Just been playing blackops3 and forza6. Really loving forza though. Done a few endurance races around bathurst and they are pretty darn good

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