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Speeding Fine.....go To Court Or Cbf And Take It Like A Man....


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sooooooooooooooooo.......got a mate who got a fine for doing 91 in a 80 zone. When he looked up the picture online...it says the recorded speed was 91kmh. The ticket says "90 in a 80 zone" and 2 points. What are the chances of taking this to court and winning? I.e. could a camera be out by 2kmh For you over easts....0-9kmh = zero points I'm pretty sure his mrs was driving at the time....can he go to court on her behalf? what you rection?

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There will probably be 2 speeds. Recorded/clocked speed and alleged speed. If it's alleged, then that's it, that's their legal standpoint. You need to challenge the fine in court in this case if you have a way to dispute it (with proof or law/circumstance). If the speed value is recorded/clocked then they usually take a few km/h off to obtain the alleged speed. In this instance the alleged speed may drop below the 10km/h barrier you seek.

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Read the two links above.

I'll let him know.....kinda hurt my head trying to understand it lol. He's a smarter cookie than me, so I'm sure he'll read it tonight and it will make more sense. cheers

Just tell your mates hoon mrs to pay the fine

The fines not the issue....I just think its cheeky when sometimes they drop it by 2kmh and in this case only 1. Clearly revenue raising and being a kent

There will probably be 2 speeds. Recorded/clocked speed and alleged speed. If it's alleged, then that's it, that's their legal standpoint. You need to challenge the fine in court in this case if you have a way to dispute it (with proof or law/circumstance). If the speed value is recorded/clocked then they usually take a few km/h off to obtain the alleged speed. In this instance the alleged speed may drop below the 10km/h barrier you seek.

That's the thing....trying to prove through law/circumstance. I just think its a waste of time, cause she is very shy and will not want to defend herself in court, therefore if the boyfriend could talk for her then perhaps she might have a better chance. But pretty sure whoever is alleged will need to speak in front of the judge?

Check out the pic he sent me....that speed would be recorded speed or alleged speed Keith?


and just for you Kimbo....you can just see her face in the pic above

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Recorded. Sometimes certain types of camera have the same recorded and alleged measurements. Probably not worth fighting it unless you represent yourself or get free counsel as the lawyer fees will be far higher than the fine itself.

Got the infringement notice itself?

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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is it worth the time off work for the extra $75/100 to arrange documents, defense, and court time to fight this?

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Yeh exactly. Its his gf's first speeding ticket, so plenty of points lol

and yeh derp on me...dude also sent me a pic of the infringement...and clearly says "Alleged Speed 90km/h".

ok mods. shut it down if this is breaching some T&C's of the forum

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is it worth the time off work for the extra $75/100 to arrange documents, defense, and court time to fight this?

yeh pretty much....I mean they earn sh*t loads....so I'm sure they will just pay it.

He just wanted me to ask if anyone else has been in a similar situation and won. Guess it would be different if it were say the last 2 points on your license :P

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