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Samsung Galaxy 2 Vs Samsung Galaxy 5


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As the battery in my Samsung Galaxy 2 is close to stuffed, I started shopping for a new one. Most of the phone shops told me that my Samsung Galaxy 2 is too old and just buy a Samsung Galaxy 6! Half a dozen shops later, I managed to buy a Samsung Galaxy 2 battery.

I note that Officework flogs UNLOCKED Samsung Galaxy 4's and Samsung Galaxy 5's. If I'd updated to a Samsung Galaxy 4, what does it do that a Samsung Galaxy 2 does not and what does it not do that a Samsung Galaxy 6 does?

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Note 5's are BIG. I'm torn between liking the idea of the extra real estate and the S-pen...but not liking the extra size with respects to having it in my pocket etc. S5 is a BIG step up from the S2 PAH. Much faster and snappier phone, newer version of Android, bigger and nice screen, better connectivity options, S5 is waterproof and dustproof. Can pick up an S5 from Ebay for $150 cheaper than what Officeworks have them listed at by the way.

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S5 will be 2.5x better than the S2

I should know I've owned a 2, 4 and now 6.

PS they are too big now.

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Ive got an s6 and very happy with it. Im the sort of person that unlocks their phone as soon as they get home with it and flashes a custom ROM.

But I just dont feel the need, it has all the features I want. Some have complained about the battery life and I didnt think it was great at first but after turning off all the ridiculous sensors samsung runs (tracking eye movement when reading ect) I easily get a day of medium to heavy use out of it without a top up.

The built in heart rate monitor is handy as well lol, got a belt (electrical shock) at work last week, felt a bit weird afterwards, heart rate was like 160 bit irregular, though nah its just adrenaline. 5hrs later at home sitting on the couch, resting heart was 150 and still skipped now and again........looked at my little boy who I was looking after at the time and thought hmm probably time to call the ambos....

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Thanks Guys,

I like to carry my Galaaxy S2 in my shirt pocket. That's gonna be a problem if the S4 and S5 are bigger because I am not the manbag type. If an S4 or S5 had a better battery that lasted 1.5 or 2 days I'd be tempted. The S2 does all that I want. Giving me an S6 might be like giving Miss Daisy's chaufer a 350 RWKW XR6T.


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Went from S10 to S20?? or something?


I think it's twice as good or something?


Doubt the batteries are swappable :)

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