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New Purchase/Build - Home Renovations - Gardens - Garages & Sheds.

Pixy Angel

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just get a quote for a shed with a deep concrete slab from any concreter to ensure you can put a hoist in there ;)

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May as well add in here what we're looking at building. Block is 375m2, 15x25. We will be building with Home Group WA. 

The design we liked the most is called "London", a 4x2 with a scullery, theatre and "activity" room which would likely end up being a sort of small office. The master is also at the back which is a big win. Its a double garage, and we can only extend it by about 300mm wider due to the block size. This design should give enough room to put a shed in the back though, that is 3.5x4m (as mentioned before). This one isn't on their website unfortunately so you'll have to live with this sh*tty pic of a print-out. Its about 220m2 in total and will fit just fine on our block.




The other design that I really like is called "St Louis". Also a 4x2, scullery, theatre. No area that will work well as an office. But being young and having no kids (yet) we could sacrifice a room to make an office. The issue with this one is it is 270m2, and requires 15x30 block as its 28m long. We can make changed to the design though. Having a meeting either this Thursday or the 6th of June due to the long weekend here in WA to discuss building plans. We need to suss out the price of this one too, because it is the "luxury" range it is way more fancy. But we are hoping we can adjust it to reduce the cost. For example, this one has 2 wall mounted ovens. Bit over kill lol. I really like the idea of having the workshop in the garage and not a shed in the back, can also widen it a bit for extra room to put shelving in and not sacrifice car space. It will, like always, come down to the cost. 


You can check out their other builds too if you're interested at all, keen to hear what you all think :)
Will this bring back @Mrs Jeturbo to the forums 👀👀



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That's similar to my shed size. The previous owner obviously didn't like the price cos he did it himself with no form work, no screeding and it turned out exactly as you'd expect. You couldn't even walk on it with bare feet lol. On the plus side it gave me an excuse to buy a jack hammer.

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The ute, along with many other things, have been completely neglected the last 12 months. Decided to finally do 'a little fix up' to my first home.

Had been fixing bits and pieces around, under & behind the house over the years, but I bumped the send button this time.
Within the span of 2 weeks, plan went from a cheap, simple bathroom Re-do & replace the kitchen cabinets. - To ripping half my house out, moving walls and an entire interior fix up.

Done basically everything myself except for the tiling.
Still the last 10% to do; finish flooring, splashbacks, kitchen pannels & shelving, laundry bifold doors ect. But family member needed secure housing so I limiter bashed the last month to get it habitable for them. Can plod along with the rest whenever.

Also included the entirety of my architectural drawing (singular) to show just how organised I am. Smash first - plan later! :)


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