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New Purchase/Build - Home Renovations - Gardens - Garages & Sheds.

Pixy Angel

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Definitely an inspiration when it comes to home building. Loving the whole look of this house!

This is the kind of build I think my Mrs would follow on pintrest xD


Out of interest, how long has it taken to get to this point?

My brother and his partner are building but there's been hurdle upon hurdle. They had everything ready to go, builders etc. Then the bank pulled out because of something to do with power lines...

Thankfully they got another bank on board, and they put the "sold" sign on their land last week. Hoping its smooth sailing from here on out for them 😊

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Well this is an interesting one. 

I decided on the development 3-4 years ago and spent 6 months drawing preliminary plans, went out to builders who would let me project manage (which wasn’t many) and then started the paper work 3 years ago. 
Unfortunately  there was a massive delay in regards to my father passing away and red tape which meant delays and additional costs due to paper work, as well as mentally shelving the project due to being over it lol. 

Demolition happened in March last year and we had to let the block settle due to there being a previous cellar. 
Actual construction started in May 2020 and it was technically ready last week. 
The timeline was quite good for the sheer size and nature of the build (dispute what j@ insists lol) and we had a lot of customisation and I made changes to design during the project which is also something to consider. 

I think, all things considering, it has gone well for the most part and I am happy with the finished product. 
There are a lot of hidden gems and some additional cabinetry is going in as we speak so I’m going to do videos on each component. 

I wouldn’t really change much, maybe a few minor things, but all in all I’m fairly happy 😊 


Thanks everyone for following the journey! 

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Considering it was all together 700m2 of building (8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 2 kitchens and a party wall) I thought it was pretty good. J@ thinking it was slow as piss but he’s used to commercial construction. 

Got cabinetry happening at the moment.





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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Well we’ve just been doing some finishing touches... waiting on curtains and shutters and some furniture but we mounted the TVs on the weekend.... loving the living area and the built In cabinetry is now  also.

(don’t mind the alfresco which is a junk area)  




Completed bar... other than the holes in the ceiling which need patching. 



Bedroom cabinetry looking good also :) 



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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  • Member For: 15y 5m 24d
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  • Location: SA

6 months since ordering them and I still don’t have my plantation shutters or curtains ... fml


but I did change the sheets today and I am still loving the pink everywhere 🥰




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