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Pixy Angel

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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I did an experiment on my pool to see if I could get evaporative cooling working in the tropics and although it was far from scientific, it seemed to work


So I had to drain about a 3rd of the water from the pool to get to my return outlets so I could glue in some barrel unions to make my risers secure

also took the opportunity to properly mount my pool light that had been swinging off one screw since I had replaced said light about 2 years ago!!!!


after finishing this project on Monday arvo and filling up the pool, the water temp was 31°   

for the past 2 days the daytime high has been 32° and 33° which normally means pool temp gets up to 33° because it is in full sun for the majority of the day

went out yesterday for the whole day looking at property's on the tablelands

checked the temp of the pool last night when we got home......................28°   :dancing:

so I'm pretty stoked about that

29° to 30° was target temp cos that is perfect 




outside temp 30°, water temp 28° ....yay  (today at 8:45 am)







drilling into the pool shell was steady steady, new barrel unions glued in place and good to go






All good for refill 

pool is 25000 liters total 

I would have drained about 8000 liters which would have cost me about $10 to $15

total project cost including pipe, fittings, water and re-balancing (2 bags of salt, 1 kilo of sunblock and 500mls of acid) was about $140

totally worth it as far as me and Mrs BCB are concerned




this is the day of my "experiment, I since have changed the shape of the nozzles so there is less spray onto the surrounding tiles 

will post a pic when the pump turns on later

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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  • Location: Not in Cairns anymore

this is the riser

I haven't glued the end cap, just a single stainless screw so I can experiment with different options







I've made the slot wider to try and get the biggest spread of water.

theoretically, the larger the surface area, the greater the transfer of energy  





changed the timer so the pump starts as the pool begins to get the sun, about 10:30

stopping at around 4:30

6 hours of free power,  cos solar :asciidity:




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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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  • Location: Not in Cairns anymore

thanx @skidxr6t  

I came across this "theory" a number of years ago when mucking around in my mates pool

we had a bucket, filling it up with pool water and chucking it at everyone

someone tossed the water up into the air and when it fell on us we were shocked as to how cold it was

did it over a few times just to make sure it wasn't a freak occurrence


this year our lychee tree was pruned right back which used to shade the pool for at least half of the day

so the pool was getting hotter quicker

so remembering what happened at me mates pool all those years ago I searched the inter-web for some answers, and the rest as they say is history (whoever "they" are) 

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I was reading the stats from SA water the other day and misting reduces the ambient temp by *insert impressive number I forgot hwre* but only uses as much water as a shower for 1 minute over the course of 2 hours. Pretty good benefits of recycling it back into ya pool 

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 A job I started last week and haven't finished yet...

Replacing pissy treated pine garden edge with 300x300 sandstone logs, 700~900mm long. Previous original 'wall' followed the slope of the yard and dropped approx 800mm, I wanted to level it all up.








Back to work today so have to do some srs after hours slog; have got a lot more done since the last photo but still a good few hours left. luckily the mate I borrowed the excavator & grab off doesn't go back to work until Wednesday...


Will post more photos once finished

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