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Pixy Angel

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There's one particular dodgy mafarker down here. 

He was dropped by GJgardner homes last year after a crap tonne of Fark ups! 

I hope he's not still trading. 

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Yep his gone and was in our area. He went bust and moved on leaving many people homeless. I was just speaking to our window lady this morning about him. He walk away and is living in SA on the high life in a multi million dollar home. A new person took over and is doing a great job but sadly its the company name that has the bad reputation.


4 hours ago, BAXRTUTE said:

Glad u took my advise to bypass the builder and contact the installation company! 


U also got some more info on this clown of a builder which is good in some ways, but also a worry as u now know just that little bit more about there way of dealing with clients/trades/suppliers. 


Hopefully they are paying there trades atm, or u will end up with some very cranky tradies not giving to much of a funk about your home, which isnt a good thing for u or the trades.


This builder sounds like the type to get final payments and disappear by the sounds of it.


Have u down much of a background check on them? 


Do u speak with many of the trades onsite about the builder? 


It's good to know now but a little to late we're almost at the end. 

Before picking a builder we went and meet with local costume building companies. Some where just outright wankers and the vibe wasn't there. With current builder we meet with wife and their house and all seemed good and feeling was ok. We went and saw previous builds from the outside and and the workmanship look alright. Talk to home owners.......NO we didn't.


Speaking to tradies onsite are mixed 50/50. Some have said his sh*t all that they worry about is the money and some say his ok.

I've seen both side and I always go with the worst because that's the true colours of a person. Nice to you face to face but first and quick to stab you in the back. I have emails that prove this.

Onsite I look after the tradies myself by getting the lunch, drinks, ice blocks throughout summer time.

As we all know and it's common law you treat people how you like to be treated.

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Tomorrow I'm onsite at 9am with inspector and builder should be fun.


There is no cracks in the slabs and we have 4 concrete slabs. I very much doubt there will ever be any in the garage slab it's 400mm thick.



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9 hours ago, mightbuyaford said:

Hopefully none appear. Go over the place with a fine tooth comb


My sisters slab split right through the middle of the house. 


Had to change from tiles to vinyl floor in the end as it was literally pulling apart....big drama, but also they dried the slab to fast. Was no end of issues with her builder. 


Id be flipping my lid by now man. Your pretty calm given everything (atleast on here anyway)


Plating it semi cool ATM standing up for our self but in the same time no pissing off the builder. Still need the house finished and once I get the keys sh1t well change.

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Onsite I look after the tradies myself by getting the lunch, drinks, ice blocks throughout summer time.

As we all know and it's common law you treat people how you like to be treated.

Champion. That kind of stuff always made my day when I was doing domestic work
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Well todays inspection went well. The Inspector was great and was very thorough and said to call him back at hand over. He even picked up on some stuff from just standing at the front.

There is a small section of bricks above the garage that are still wet. He said water is getting inside the bricks and shouldn't be. Noted!

A full report will be done.


The builder was late but the inspector said that normal because they hate them coming onsite. Oops!!

My builder was super friendly  and didnt mind that he was onsite. 


Overall everything went smoothly. YA!!

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