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36 minutes ago, bloodycrashboy said:

motivated me to wash the dishes    :original:


got both drawers cranking cos big pots for home made pumpkin soup








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11 hours ago, bloodycrashboy said:


I just had a look at some bad reviewers and have come to the conclusion that if you don"t rinse the dishes before you stack, then it does't clean properly.

I am the dish washer stacker in our household and always rinse everything well before I stack because I always use the 45 minute cycle.

I admit that if you don't scrape backed on food off the inside of pots, they don't clean.


edit: also only use finish powder and finish rinse aid

edit # 2: also the dish drawer only cleans from the bottom up, so you really need to take that into consideration when stacking.





We did noticed that the dishwasher works better with some brands more than other and it didn't like the dishwasher tablets. 

We also had some isses with water getting on the motherboard a few times but that was an manufacturers error with MK1. We just rang Fisher Paykel up and they sent someone around, never an issues and never paid a cent to get it fixed.


Our builder offered us a SMEG integrated dishwasher but wanted the twin draw.


Worth looking into wilko.

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We've got a double dish drawer in the kitchen and a single in my bar, they're an awesome concept


Imho they don't compare to some of the top 'normal' brands eg. askos etc for washing power, as BCB says you have to rinse everything fairly well

Whereas some of the others you can pretty much bang a plate in with whatever and it'll come out clean


The sooner F&P's patent runs out and other brands can copy the layout idea the better

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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What's the water like where you are? Our water is quite hard and I was underwhelmed with results from our Dish Drawers. We changed to a dishwashing tablet designed for hard water and it's been apples since. I don't rinse anything before it goes in now.

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Never checked before, but google says 42-58mg CaCO3mg/L for my area which is considered soft according to sydney water 


Intersting, what tablet are you using? Think we're using Fairy brand after trying a whole lot of others and getting feedback from friends with dishdrawers

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