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Pixy Angel

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Nup.  It's in the plans and everything we just didn't notice it (2D drawings only from straight on angles suck).  Mate today said he's got the same on his.  Seems normal.

I think it seems shi t.

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5 hours ago, -Stever- said:

Roof going on, insulation under tin FTW







And then we get to the "spandrel"











Whoever made this the standard thing is a right d¡ck head.  





It's about a foot or less above the top of my head.  Few drinks on the alfresco right under it and someone jumps up without looking would be just awesome.  Corner of wood just floating there in the air.

Once we have handover that is coming off and we'll put some matching hardiflex on there or something.  Without it there's a gap between the two roof levels...which looked better than this random bit of wood which matches nothing else! WTF

Besides chev badges on Commodores that's the sh*test  thing I have ever seen.  How many cones did the roofer smoke 

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Don't worry Steve, that seems to be common place now.

My parents place had the same thing. Once handover was done, guess what happened.

The jigsaw came out and off it went. still looks sh*t, but at least no one will get hurt.


I honestly don't know why they did it. I just reckon that they are hiding something that they did not want to finish off.

Bunch of assholes, that is what they are. they wanted to charge my parents for a variation when they asked them to get rid of it.

what cheek I tell you. I would have told them what to do with variation.

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Square set is great nice clean lines. I've optioned that in our place. I was going to square the window frames but builder was asking $200 per window. Pass!


@-Stever-  looking good mate but do agree I dont think you need the Head Stabber 3000. What were they thinking even if it's on the plan I'm sure common sense works better.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Explanation from elsewhere:

" To avoid increasing an entire eave line to the side of a house a spandrel is added so only the required eave is raised to suit ceiling heights"


So basically saves money.  Dunno on the gutter question, it's just where it naturally ends up following the edge of the room I guess.

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Been working on the house myself today. Needed to run some plumbing for the pool to the other side of the house. It all needed to be pressure PN9 PVC and Pressure glue type P. Requested by my pool guy.

Here is pics of the garage ceiling height.




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