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Pixy Angel

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Thanks for the clarification panda

I did think that once built the wall of Pixys would have to be structural enough to compensate for it but I haven't encountered anything like that yet

Us little folk in sa just buy big blocks in the hills and have big houses so our neighbours aren't within eArshot of our yelling dero fights lmao

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That's pretty much the same with where I live fluff. Though my neighbour told me he can't hear me and the missus arguing inside the house but when I got outside to feed the dog and get my nightly farts out of the road they echo in his loungeroom like thunder

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[quote name="Pixy Angel" post="1574539" timestamp

Hi Cjafpv glade you jumped in. We've had a lot of issues trying to find a Air Con mob to give us quotes. They're all keen and when we send the plans we dont here from them again. We even ring them back to follow up and nothing.

Where is home mate. Im in wollongong.

We're after ducted throughout. any help would be great.

Hey pixy getting aircon quotes this time of year can be difficult it's peak season and most reputable companies are flat chat but that's no excuse for them to not get back to you. Making thee choice to get a ducted system installed throughout your home is a great choice you'll Always be in comfort. Although it is imperative that the correct size unit is installed in order to ensure it can keep up with the heat load placed upon it on 35degree days and above and also that a reputable brand of unit is installed by a licenced and competent installer (sort of like choosing the correct parts and tuner when chasing power haha) home for me is sydney but we do work all the way down to the far south coast. If you ever need a quote or even some

Advice just P.M and il be happy to help even if it's just to look at someone's quote and give you an opinion :)

Common traps to avoid though are:

* to small a unit for the homes size- many companies undersize units in order to provide you with a cheaper quote. Much better off to spend abit more on the larger unit and have it work properly.

* a larger unit will actually use less power then a smaller unit working to max capacity as the larger unit will cut out saving power whereas an undersized unit will not.

* always install a well regarded manufactured unit the good major companies units are built

To a much better standard then some

Of the cheaper stuff out there.

* Ducted installs can be tricky. Before giving anyone the go ahead

To do the work to your home actually meet with someone from

The company to receive the quote you'll always get a good feeling as to

How a person conducts there business if you see them

Face to face rather then just over email.

So basically airconditioning is sort of an art of its own many think it's straight forward but the smallest things like return air positioning, zone motor placement and even grill outlet positioning can make a big difference to the efficiency of your system and your comfort (which is the reason why you invest in airconditioning in the first place) sorry for the long rant but I've Always hated seeing people

Being mislead or ripped off all because a company's mislead them or cut corners in order to gain the job.

Edited by Cjafpv
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  • RNS10S
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Bigger is better with AC.

When we bought our place 2 years ago it came with free ducted air con, before the ac went in I asked the home builder if I could upgrade to a larger unit.

He replied "There is only 1 size bigger and it's $2500 more", he said it's the largest domestic unit Daikin make.

2 summers in now and this monster of a unit cools the house quickly and with ease.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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^^Totally agree with rednose^^

We have 4 split Fujitsu inverter aircons, 3 smaller ones for the bedrooms (2.6 kw, 2.1kw, and a 3.5kw) and a large one for the lounge/kitchen area (8kw).

The 8 killer wasp unit absolutely smashes the lounge area.

Turn it on during the day when the temp is 32 plus, and the largest area in the house is cool in ten minutes!

Running the master bedroom one (3.5kw) all night -- in the morning (and I presume most of the night) the motor unit outside is barely ticking over.

In contrast, the one in the study was cranking flat out all the time till we had it fixed (installation fault) now once it pulls the temp down,(about 20 minutes) the outside unit barely ticks over.

I thought the study one was too small (2.6kw) because of 2 computer workstations pumping out the heat, coupled with afternoon sun streaming through a 2400x1100 window.

So as Cjafpv said, make sure you use a reputable company with quality units.

Our installer stuffup cost $300 to fix.

He hadn't flared one of the connector pipes fully and there was a tiny leak, but after 4 years the aircon was only pulling 23 degrees from the head unit.

By comparison, the 8 killer wasp one was pumping out 8.5 degrees at the head unit!!

pic of computer currently pumping out the heat

room temp 27, computer temp (at idle) 32


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Ok I've read this for a while and I got a couple questions

1. Is your area a rural area or residential Coz fhuked if I'd live in a bushfire zone and be that close to my neighbours (just my2 cents and it is cruisey here in sa as bush fire zones are normally in the hills with big blocks and an abundance of space)

Zoned Residential with bush behind us. House is in bush fire zone with a BAL-19 on south,west and northern walls. BAL-12.5 east (front of the house). Block size is 886m2

2. I have never seen someone excavate that deep that close to boundary before

This seems odd engineering wise that it was even an option ??? But I'm no expert..,. Yet lol

that's why I pay experts to do the job and council approved. Its a big cut because our drive has a 1m fall from the gutter to the house this is not the case for any of our neighbours. Garage height is not standard entry is 2.8m

It's not a kit home its been designed to the shape of the block.

3. No if they Fharked up the excavation you shouldn't have to pay for it so the builder can shove it and claim off his excavation mob

That's why they have insurance

By all means if it was just something that happened I would accept it but im not paying for someones else fark up, no bloody way and when my engineer tells me that I shouldn't pay it doesnt look good for them. Ive said it before and told the excavation company that the my builder should not have to pay for it either. That's true but just like car insurance im guessing if the builder makes a claim his premium will go up. I'm even willing to take it to court if it gets that far. Finger crossed it doesnt.

4. I seriously can't wait to be a builder (not that I want to do residential) but it's fairly obvious that people who aren't of a trade back ground or a building back ground get taken for a heavy ride price wise and a advise wise when building custom (Not referring directly to u pixy as I don't know what you've paid and u seem to be making some smart decisions with not just shelling over cash etc) but some people lately I've been dealing with are just blind to It.

Fingers crossed fluffy that it all works out for you and im sure it will, its good industry to get into everyone will need something built. I do agree that home owner do get a raw deal and taken advantage of but if the home owner is not on their game and keeping track of everything well plain dumbarse.

I received an invoice last week for additional cost to some work and builder tried to double tip by adding cost to what ive already paid for and is in my contract as inclusion. I highly recommended that you read everything not just once.

5. Do u have the plans of the layout of the house portion, I'm curious As to what it's gonna be layout wise, would be cool to see.

The house size 350m2 with garage as sub floor 80m2.


On other news I have my first construction project coming up and We got handed keys on Thursday for our new development which I will be junior overseeing from Jan onwards (the PM is in NSW so I'm it! Other than his monthly visits)

10,000 square metre facility

Some partially warehouse conversion

Some new build

Pretty excited !!!!

Still reading through the abundance of construction specifications I got sent for "light reading" lmao

Edited by Pixy Angel
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Hey pixy getting aircon quotes this time of year can be difficult it's peak season and most reputable companies are flat chat but that's no excuse for them to not get back to you. Making thee choice to get a ducted system installed throughout your home is a great choice you'll Always be in comfort. Although it is imperative that the correct size unit is installed in order to ensure it can keep up with the heat load placed upon it on 35degree days and above and also that a reputable brand of unit is installed by a licenced and competent installer (sort of like choosing the correct parts and tuner when chasing power haha) home for me is sydney but we do work all the way down to the far south coast. If you ever need a quote or even some

Advice just P.M and il be happy to help even if it's just to look at someone's quote and give you an opinion :)

Common traps to avoid though are:

* to small a unit for the homes size- many companies undersize units in order to provide you with a cheaper quote. Much better off to spend abit more on the larger unit and have it work properly.

* a larger unit will actually use less power then a smaller unit working to max capacity as the larger unit will cut out saving power whereas an undersized unit will not.

* always install a well regarded manufactured unit the good major companies units are built

To a much better standard then some

Of the cheaper stuff out there.

* Ducted installs can be tricky. Before giving anyone the go ahead

To do the work to your home actually meet with someone from

The company to receive the quote you'll always get a good feeling as to

How a person conducts there business if you see them

Face to face rather then just over email.

So basically airconditioning is sort of an art of its own many think it's straight forward but the smallest things like return air positioning, zone motor placement and even grill outlet positioning can make a big difference to the efficiency of your system and your comfort (which is the reason why you invest in airconditioning in the first place) sorry for the long rant but I've Always hated seeing people

Being mislead or ripped off all because a company's mislead them or cut corners in order to gain the job.

Thanks mate. We have been trying since the house was approved 4 months ago trying to get everything organised early so there is no rush from me or the AC people.

In our old house we got installed a larger unit and only want a Daikin. We were happy with the last AC mob we used so we rang them first. Keen as mustard but once they saw the plan nothing. Since then we've rang 6 other companies and nothing.

We spoke we one mob said that they will run ducted in the main area aand 2 splits at the front (main bedroom and media, see above post) no thanks I dont want to run 3 units to keep the house cool.

Once everyone gets back from holidays ill start again and this time ill ring Sydney companies.

Again I only want Daikin.

Thanks for your advice and feed back mate we all can benefit from that. Cheers

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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The house size 350m2 with garage as sub floor 80m2.


Looks sweet, keep the progress pics coming, always interesting to see other peoples house ideas come to fruition

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