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Pixy Angel

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plasterers are cranky fkers


yes what they did was disrespectful, I have seen them in the past throw sh*t out the window because they hate crap being in the way. 


I can sometimes understand because they do have a mammoth task and every other trade leaves their sh*t behind in the house.



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I love working with the Gyppie guy's....


they throw their chit around like they are "king" of the site but forget that I have a gyprock saw and need "access" hatches everywhere if they I <3 Bananas me off hahahahaha 


and they are smart enough to realise retaliating ends up in more holes cut to find that wire they thought they would cut , by that time the saw turns into the Stanley FuBar and hatches turn into holes

Edited by JETURBO
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I know of a grumpy ol (70+) fkr plasterer who threw all the builders gear out the second storey window , he had given him 10 mins warning after all.

Same guy got sick of sparkies leaving 3 feet of wire hanging out of light switch and power points ( pet hate of mine too) so yanked on them hard and then cut the wires off up inside the flush box.

Yes it resulted in holes to patch , but thugplastererlyf


Bitch sparkies wont be fugin with him no mo!

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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any trade can be a biatch... something im not looking forward to when im on site tbh... however if your a dick then I just wont use your services again. simple.

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  • Dropping a turd
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2 hours ago, hawlass said:

I know of a grumpy ol (70+) fkr plasterer who threw all the builders gear out the second storey window , he had given him 10 mins warning after all.

Same guy got sick of sparkies leaving 3 feet of wire hanging out of light switch and power points ( pet hate of mine too) so yanked on them hard and then cut the wires off up inside the flush box.

Yes it resulted in holes to patch , but thugplastererlyf


Bitch sparkies wont be fugin with him no mo!

You never beat us sparkies.  We just turn your power off.  Good luck working in the dark!!


And make me hunt for cables and I will cut so many holes you will be patching for a week......

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Every trade has its fair share of f@#k wits. Everyone is in such a hurry to finish and get back in the ute and be gone that taking the time  clean up gets passed on to the next trade or the owners/ site labourers.

We do full renovations to existing homes so we have a few different sub contractors who come in every now and then, but they know what's expected and if they don't help us we don't prepare anything for them to make there life easier. Works both ways. You scratch my back, I might scratch yours.:mosking:

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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that's a fair point box stock...
unfortunately on commercial sites its really a sh*t of a thing... coz no one except the builder gets lumped at the end with crap to clean up etc... it sucks coz if everyone just cleaned their own mess it would be fine...

but I probably wont be running over to tell the steel fixers to clean their crap up any time soon tbh hahaha

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You could give it a try, but ya better be ready to dodge some flying impact drivers. Hahaha. 


You would be surprised at how many customers really appreciate it when you pack up and clean up properly, especially if they are still occupying the property.

Which really should be standard practice.

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