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Pixy Angel

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Had a chippy out to the house today...and my entrance way and study went from looking like this:








To looking like this:








All ready for the painters to start on Monday now :) 


Not a totally perfect solution, but a hell of a lot better than it was!


Also had a door frame put in to the hallway. Door can wait till later, as we don't really need it right now but wanted the frame up and painted with the rest of the house at least. Plus, I don't really have the money for the door atm as it'll need to be like a $500-600 custom door due to the size.




Houses are expensive...weeeeee :) 

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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lol, you're not wrong Freaky!


Yep, BCB! Plasterboard stuck to the existing frame and glass with liquid nails. Chippy tidied up the door frame heaps compared to what it was too, which is great. Would have cost me a few grand to knock the bricks out and put a proper stud wall up...just couldn't justify it, and probably would have looked weird anyway, given the door frame would have then been narrower than the walls. So this is a way of getting rid of the glass bricks and tidying it all up a bit, without spending a fortune to achieve a result that'll still be less than perfect for a different reason.


Either way, see how it turns out once it's all painted next week!

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  On 26/05/2017 at 9:38 AM, k31th said:

Pics just for you k31th
Don't get sea views from in the house but that gives you an idea. 4bed 3bath. No room for a shed unfortunately but the garage is wide and very long 76e0b9c1f1d76852ac75213383068d0f.jpg7c875e090253bf14fb55ca772629c106.jpg0b6601ac8e5e69812b8e32f08374052a.jpg
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