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Pixy Angel

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nah was just curious how it all eventuated I missed the start how it came about. I think people would have just assumed it was all legit. I prob would have too. even being a tradie. 


and if it looked dodge just woulda fixed it myself like everything else im doing at my place.

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8 minutes ago, Ford Freak said:

I think people would have just assumed it was all legit.


They would have. 


It wouldn't have been picked up until someone complained to the council or he went to sell it. 

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  • Puff
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I haven't checked into it but where does the liability fall when there are 3rd party injuries sustained from non approved developments? 


I assume it falls on the current owner?


I could be wrong. Does anyone know? 

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I asked my insurance company a bit about liability and cover when we bought our place. When you buy a place in ACT, independent building inspection is already done and provided by agent when you ask for it (better than multiple potential buyers each paying to get the exact same thing done). Part of that includes listing what improvements have been made and what has been approved.

In our case, the roller door on the carport wasn't approved. Is apparently a common issue in many ACT suburbs that are littered with sewer, water and electricity easements that have access requirements. A builder laughed at me and said most of the car port roller doors in ACT are not approved and wouldn't be approved.

Anyway I asked the insurance company if that caused any issues by being unapproved eg if the door fell on the car, if the motor caused a fire etc.

Their advice (in this case anyway) was that they don't care about improvements not being approved as long as the work is done to standard. Ie if you have something that is structurally sound but doesn't meet planning requirements in terms of distance to boundary, uncovered space on block etc then no big deal. If your improvement wouldn't get approved due to structural deficiencies then there could be issues.

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Yeah, I've read different things in my search for answers. Some say that the liability falls to people who built the addition, other stuff says it falls to current owner. Either way, I didn't like the idea that if a monster storm came through, blew the patio apart and took half the house with it that I wouldn't be covered due to old mate not being bothered doing it properly in the first place.

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Exactly. And sounds like in your case they have needed to add some strength to get it to pass.

When we were in Adelaide I built a 5x5 free-standing Pergola with a gabled roof. The approval process gave me some peace of mind that my design was sound, given it was based solely on research and no actual skills or qualifications!

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Anyone got an idea what sort of rough price I'd be looking at the fark these funky glass mosaic's off and brick up and render the gaps? They're both the same size. I can't really see them fitting in with how I'll want the house to look, so if it's not going to be crazy expensive then I'd probably want to get it done prior to painting the place.


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Removing them would be the easy part that I could do myself. The bricking and rendering bit, not so much...

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