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On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 9:51 PM, .Stripes. said:

Cheeky farker! He added to the contract a special condition that I'm aware that the patio isn't council approved and accept as is...


This is code for "I built it myself and didnt tell no kent including the council"


That would raise a big red flag if it were me. 


Keen to hear what the inspector says

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I bought mine with a patio that isn't approved. However it meets standards. It's been standing for 22 years so it meets my approval haha! 

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  • Puff
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A building inspector is just going to give a report on the condition of the building.


They won't be checking to see that everything is within regulation unless there is a glaring irregularity such as a power point in the shower cubicle or something as ridiculous as that.

If the patio looks normal then it likely wouldn't be picked up.


While the patio issue could be brought up and checked as part of the building report (.Stripes. can check this himself and I think he has), it is unlikely that it would set off any red flags in a run of the mill inspection.


@.Stripes. you could call the council and show them the new house plan and see if they would approve it. At least that would clear the air for you.

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The issue for me would be conplications if at some point the council found out or reported it or something else happens on the property


There are alot of liabilites that will lay with stripes if he doesnt get it approved, for instance - insurance if someone hurts themself while there, secondly he will have to provide engineering papers etc if the old owner goes and reports it after settlement to be a kent. List goes on.


Basically you will become liable and have to front any cost to make it "legal" as it were if something happens or council comes out.


My own advice would be force a massive price drop and get it all council approved or make the owner do it before purchase to cover yourself @.Stripes.

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Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm planning on doing. The company that are doing the building inspection tomorrow actually do retrospective approvals, hence I'll ask the dude about it tomorrow. But basically I'm planning on going back to the owner and saying I'm not signing his condition unless he wants to drop $20-30k off the price, otherwise I'll be putting in the condition that it needs to be approved prior to settlement. If he doesn't agree to it then I'll walk away.

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  • Puff
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That last line sums up how I feel about it.


Edit: If he doesn't agree then give him a couple of weeks. He'll come around.

Edited by Puffwagon
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I'd get some advice (starting with the council) before throwing it in the bin if they don't accept $30k less. It might be perfect from a structural and planning perspective and the owner just couldn't be bothered getting the approval. Might only be a couple of grand to sort out.

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