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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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And just like that.... we’re at lock up!!! 🥳 🔑 

The doors are being painted black. 
They’re 2340x1200 behemoths. 


Today I put my organisational skills to test and made sure all the measurements I’d mapped out for first fix were correct. 🔌
No cock ups so far. *touch wood* 




The internal doors are also 2340 tall. 


The kitchen in house 2 is taking shape also... 


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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For context,


This forum is not only about cars for some of us. 
Some members have had relationships for over a decade now and are quite good friends. 
There have been threads about babies and family, homes being built, what beers people drink, what people are cooking for dinner... and so on. 

One of the joys about it is unlike social media, you can pick and choose what you want to see and, myself personally, as a relatively new builder embarking on my largest project to date, I like to soundboard off of some of the guys who’ve been there done that and it helps with additional considerations. 

If this forum were about money I’d have bought a Ferrari and posted about it, but it’s nothing to do with who’s more wealthy or flaunting their possessions (allowing for the jokes about ArronM and his gold toilets). 

Unlike social media, it doesn’t just pop up on your time line and it’s not in your face, if you choose to click on a topic and read it, then that’s a choice you’ve made to view. If that somehow makes you disgruntled and is interpreted as a flash of wealth instead of being entertained by the content then that’s on you. 

Aussie culture at it again, making everything a tall poppy syndrome argument. Most of us here, as far as I am aware (the members I’ve known for ten plus years) weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouth and have worked for everything they have, including myself. 
I am extremely proud of what I’ve accomplished, not because of a monetary value, but because I’m also covered in gyprock dust and getting into a project I’ve designed and managed from its inception, and I am in no way shape or form ashamed to say I enjoy posting it here to share with people I have built relationships with over a long period of time. 


In actuality some of this things I enjoy most about the “off topic” conversations are low monetary projects and are things people have hand crafted or created which shows their creativity and abilities, which I could only ever dream of having. 


To me it’s no different to watching someone post about a vehicle build, it’s not about the money, it’s about what they’ve managed to achieve and accomplish, if we’re going to “poo poo” everyone who does things just because it costs money, then just sh*t can the whole internet including people’s car build threads, because anyone who’s ever built a car from the ground up knows none of that is free! 

Edited by Mrs Jeturbo
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  • Puff
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If you have followed her progress you'll see that she studied her arse off, got qualified and designed and built her own house with help from the hubby, while including her mum into it and losing her dad along the way. She's not that old either and has achieved more in the past 10 years than some slackers will ever achieve.


Anyhow, it's neither here nor there for me but you've gotta give credit where it's due and fwiw it's kinda cool to see someone share their progress. After all it's what this thread is about. It's no small feat what these two are doing and they deserve to feel good about it.

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@GAS41T Jealousy is a bad trait to have bro... XD


This is a community forum and you're under the "off topic" section of it, what did you think was gonna come up here 🤣

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