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Pixy Angel

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^I thought that...until I had my own garden. While I was renting it I just wanted to keep it alive so I didn't lose my bond. But now that I own the place I strangely developed this desire to see it flourish and actually look good. Bought myself a lawnmower and actually get a lot of satisfaction out of doing things in the garden, however small it is.


I'm getting old...

Edited by .Stripes.
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haha yer once you start enjoying gardening your getting old


im just too busy. I replaced the grass with stones so I dont have to mow anymore (whoop whoop!!) and then low maintenance plants will go along the fence line.


I have a 8 month old. I rather spend my spare time keeping 3 cars up to a respectable standard than mowing and standing in dog sh*t hidden in ankle high grass. 

Edited by Ford Freak
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Doing a fiddly trim job in the dining/family area


Wife loves the timber panelling look, so I've painted the lower ~1250mm of the wall full strength shade of the main colour (hog's bristle) - main is 1/4 strength.

Did the chair rail in a 92mm wide profile, and now doing the panelling rectangles from a small (32x16mm) profile.

Really not looking forward to bogging holes and doing top coat painting...and the window frame which now sticks out like dog's balls.

I know 99% on here would prefer more modern look but I don't mind it, and am even enjoying doing it after a slow start.


Plus getting this out of the road gives me extra leverage for time spent on the ute. ;) 


Stained window frame will need to be painted, blind may well get swapped out too

Whole house used to have stained trim including skirting etc, slowly getting rid of it.qTO9tnNCPNUxv4JzlNkT2NhE_hkKSDG_qdV7VSt-oppXC08t2QI7TKFUShXsHGM4s9_00OVuPliut1d6wKsrIMAGvQn4EtYAzP5DtNRQt6APC0EUbS0fINMHXFPq4cXXIh54JHI7Mt56q0fgzaKouagJ8ewWD2xrCmBlo0qwLhD4gJUNG1v-IVRRGxIc0aAonNZa9OMFlsXTjn-M26JuAGeMGzaNbfzdiU74CuSw09Bvsnlk_CNpT9ego3-MpP1Bs0KZcWNO4aehf_pYuVdb_PFbGUngX_nXM3MLdbUUXIrCTILwE-k38cxJtj09jJ2AIdkBlYtFyOhNty0xeVIFtYNEas1UYYZbq_AzOlfMv4sH3VH0qdpufd7pD_JBXjGUAUz3EoyOXWc7igxhb3FiROjVK3UxY6tvu_fXG5h45heG0q4YBOWKY0tjVXWyNkO2Dpa6EfK5pFlqsG1DtNuymFXxVYtWj2te9QqwOle4HBDR3OBf0tStzMppOss8aloDmlF0_3NklTT_FGs1jLaXBlmSJjkXYS-RAlvdtbMpNPS0emns09Um7Lfbs6pbR_kFHrHjJPoDPxEhQGS2hCB4EphUkqo0zuNWnpVtb79NHU2CtXLp=w1427-h1070-no



Fatarse mirror (making a support for it and then hanging it was a job in itself) is basically a permanent fixture so I've cut the trim to butt hard into it to make it look like it goes underneath it.


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