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  • Member For: 9y 8m 26d

Hey guys just wondering if anybody is running an Obdii adapter that sends information to an iOS device such iPhone iPad or android and if it actually sends the right information also I would like to know what parameters to input into the dash command app and how to activate the boost gauge in the app thanks and hope to hear from you soon

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 21d
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On the FORScan web site, they recommend an OBDLink MX. However, they're rather expensive. Usually around $US70-80 secondhand on eBay US.

I use ELM327 cables that I buy for $US7 on www.aliexpress.com

At that price, I keep one in each Falcon and use my MacBook Pro laptop with Parallels and Windows 7.

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  • To Loud
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The OBDLINK MX adaptor use to be $199 and I got mine for that price.

I believe that they are now down to $99.95. Yeah I got rooted, but I bought mine ages ago.

Anyways, here is the link


just incase you are wondering, this ODB adaptor turns off when the key is removed from the ignition.

It prevents your battery from going flat.

As far as I am aware, this adaptor is NOT compatible with IOS.

I think you may have to go down the path that Phil did and get the $7 cable.

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The OBDLINK MX adaptor use to be $199 and I got mine for that price.

I believe that they are now down to $99.95. Yeah I got rooted, but I bought mine ages ago.

Anyways, here is the link


just incase you are wondering, this ODB adaptor turns off when the key is removed from the ignition.

It prevents your battery from going flat.

As far as I am aware, this adaptor is NOT compatible with IOS.

I think you may have to go down the path that Phil did and get the $7 cable.

Does torque show you a lot of sh*t that xcal 4 with the pc app doesn't?
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I love Torque, used it on my Samsung phone to record top speed stats etc during Racewars 2013 when the timing gear on on the blink. Can read like a couple hundred values from the car, and you can code custom ones in if you are on Android

That's boost BTW, says vacuum because it was in vac at the time I took the screenshot

It can log as well so you can make pretty graphs etc.



Edited by -Stever-
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