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Fg Xr6T Feels "different"


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  • Member For: 9y 4m 5d
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Respect should be given to everyone didn't your parents teach you that?

There's nothing wrong with respecting everyone

Proves what kind of person you are more than them

But whatevs

Why should I respect someone I have never met before especially over the net? They could be the biggest piece of sh*t. No thanks, I'll choose who gets my respect when I meet them.

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So your just a f*cking troll then?

Living it up eh, I own my G6ET, have over 150k equity in my home. A beautiful fiance and son. Regularly punch over 100k a year. Living it up right? No. sh*ts fkn hard sometimes, and ive busted my arse to be where I am and will probably continue to do so for well, the foreseeable future unless I win the fkn lotto.

I think your grip of reality is fairly loose...Be modest, humble and try hard in everything you do and you will go far. You may be a fkn brilliant person, right now your coming accross as a massive fkn wanker....

Heh, and yet you find the time to dribble on here with the likes of yours truly.

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You see, this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You guys won't quit because you have nothing better to do, and I won't quit because you people are just too much fun. I think we're all destined to do this forever.


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Im not any different IRL than I am here and havent said anything to you I wouldnt say to your face. You on the other hand....so this is seriously some sort of interweb alternate ego of yours lol?

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Why should I respect someone I have never met before especially over the net? They could be the biggest piece of sh*t. No thanks, I'll choose who gets my respect when I meet them.

You're the new one here...we've all been around for a while and a fair few of us have met each other in person and there's plenty of respect and admiration around here as a result. You, however, are the new guy and, technically, should have to earn OUR respect...which being respectful yourself would go a long way towards doing. But instead you're being an arrogant piece of sh*t.

Respecting others should be the natural state, kinda like "innocent until proven guilty". I'll admit, people have the ability to be *beep*...but that doesn't mean we should treat them as such straight off the bat. I was brought up to be respectful, something I fear isn't prevalent in the way many arrogant and selfish kids are brought up these days.

So to you, sir, I say good day.

Edited by .Stripes.
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