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Fg Xr6T Feels "different"


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You cared enough to remove that f*cking hideous sticker from your rear window. Your awesome gtr would have to come with a "boosted zilla" sticker on the rear window right?

Now now, don't be like that. If you're nice I might even take for you a drive in it ;)

And when I say I don't have a care, I mean a real care, not trivial bullsh*t on some forum, but actual life problems you know? Look at what just happened over in Paris, the whole world is freaking out but I need not concern myself with such affairs, I must only focus on my own life and how I can constantly go up in the world.

Edited by kokentoe
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Maybe so, but to all the people on social media expressing their sympathy, do they really give a sh*t or are they just saying it to make themselves feel like decent human beings and boost their image. What's with this "PrayforParis" saying they have got going. Pray? How about no, because religion is the cause of terrorism. Kind of contradictory. If they really want to make a difference how about they head over to Syria and do something about it, but wait, that's right, they value their own lives more just like you and I. Yes, I do feel for the people who have lost their lives in this tragedy but I keep my sentiments to myself, no one else needs to know how I feel about such a matter especially if I wasn't involved. How many people die each and every day and no one pays homage to them because it is never publicly announced. This issue goes beyond me as a person, there isn't a thing I can do to fix it so I won't even bother getting involved. I will focus on what I can do and what I can change. Many of you might think I'm a massive c*nt, but like I said, I will speak the way I feel regardless of being judged for it.

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In fact I wish I never brought the topic up. I really wanted to talk about more power for my car, but for some reason I trailed off. Now I'm the type of person who will make a point when someone wants to have a go with me at the lights, especially if it's an arrogant p-plater. I don't back down from a challenge, but I am very particular in the way I go about it, making sure I only accelerate up to the speed limit or thereabouts and then back off once my point has been made. What pisses me off is that there isn't a road with a high enough speed limit to truly put them to shame, and accelerating up to 70km for example, I'm still ahead but only by a car length or so. Then of course I wait for the inevitable fly by after I have started to slow down. Some people just don't know how to accept defeat. Problem is that even with more power, given the distance it would take to get up to the speed limit of an average road, would it even be utilized, or would I just be there struggling to get traction. I know the saying, it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning, but it is not satisfying to win by a small margin. I want to barely see them in my mirror but most modern cars these days can accelerate quite well up to 60km at the least, the Toyota Aurion being one example. If I had a Nissan GTR right now it would be a different story. No one would even touch me from a dig.


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You will need to stump up funds to see this. From the bowels

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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In fact I wish I never brought the topic up. I really wanted to talk about more power for my car, but for some reason I trailed off. Now I'm the type of person who will make a point when someone wants to have a go with me at the lights, especially if it's an arrogant p-plater. I don't back down from a challenge, but I am very particular in the way I go about it, making sure I only accelerate up to the speed limit or thereabouts and then back off once my point has been made. What pisses me off is that there isn't a road with a high enough speed limit to truly put them to shame, and accelerating up to 70km for example, I'm still ahead but only by a car length or so. Then of course I wait for the inevitable fly by after I have started to slow down. Some people just don't know how to accept defeat. Problem is that even with more power, given the distance it would take to get up to the speed limit of an average road, would it even be utilized, or would I just be there struggling to get traction. I know the saying, it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning, but it is not satisfying to win by a small margin. I want to barely see them in my mirror but most modern cars these days can accelerate quite well up to 60km at the least, the Toyota Aurion being one example. If I had a Nissan GTR right now it would be a different story. No one would even touch me from a dig.



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