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Fg Xr6T Feels "different"


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  • Member For: 19y 8m 2d

It might sound like a placebo effect but every time my FG has gone into Ford for warranty work, when I pick it up it always feels slower...

I actually asked the service guy once whether they flashed my computer, because I have heard that if new firmware comes out, they just flash your car without needing instructions from the owner...(not sure if this is true...)

I admit chances are they probably used it to pick up their lunches and gave it a thrashing probably causing heat soak etc...

It won't cost you much to do a power run on a dyno as this will indicate if the car is doing what it's supposed too...then you can take it form there...

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It might sound like a placebo effect but every time my FG has gone into Ford for warranty work, when I pick it up it always feels slower...

I actually asked the service guy once whether they flashed my computer, because I have heard that if new firmware comes out, they just flash your car without needing instructions from the owner...(not sure if this is true...)

I admit chances are they probably used it to pick up their lunches and gave it a thrashing probably causing heat soak etc...

It won't cost you much to do a power run on a dyno as this will indicate if the car is doing what it's supposed too...then you can take it form there...

I just had mine serviced around the 7500km but I always keep an eye on the odo when I pick it up. The guys at that particular Ford dealer seem like genuine blokes though. Either way the car was running fine when I picked it up which was weeks ago. Mine is completely stock as far as performance mods so it wouldn't matter if they flashed it cause I don't have a tune right? Will more than likely just get a dyno done and go from there.

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Pft look at me as if you wouldn't want to have a bit of me ;)

Hahahahaha matty ever been told "she's out of your league" well that's how I box, aim high and go for it

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I believe Princess is spoken for bud. Don't worry it took me awhile of lurking to figure out Princess was:

a) really female;

b) Wombat Bellend's missus :)

Oh don't get me wrong, I knew I didn't have a chance the moment I read she was from SA. I'm seeing some 18 year old at the moment anyway but the problem is she's a bit immature, parties too hard and isn't into cars like the other one, so I just don't think it's going to work out. Doesn't matter though, I still have my real girl with a nice sexy black bod and concave wheels ;)

Speaking of which, anyone here use the book of face? I have my own fan page starting, basically post updates on what I'm doing with the car. Check it out lads....and lasses!


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